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I have been struggling on a project for few weeks but yet, still no fruity result.
Having an app that is running on ios ipad.

I have a requirement to remove inhouse app if the app was not logged in for x number of days. It is in-house app, not on appstore.
I have tried imkira mobiledevice and libimobiledevice.
But nothing working.

Hoping for guru to give me some sun shine.

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

programming used: Object C

Your requirements may be at odds with Apple's iOS rules. I am not an expert in the Apple iOS rules but this seems to violate a rule I've read.

Instead have the app pop up and show it has expired and how to correct.

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Well, I guess is it too bad that it was one of our company's security policy.
I have been 'wandering' around for answers.
for example: libimobiledevice/ideviceinstaller

but nothing's working.

As I known of, there was one corporate that managed to do it on their 'in-house' app.
They are not disclosing on how they did it.
: (

Remember I didn't duplicate any google research on this. Just writing something I ran into with a fellow that wanted to write an uninstaller for iOS. They went down in flames.

As to your company not sharing the code, wow. How rude.

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

hi roriffitt,
I guess, it was their non-disclosure policy.
Gosh...need more panadols....

It's very odd to have non-disclosure inside a company. Usually companies want to reduce development costs, not duplicate and increase cost.

Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Because it is different company.
That's the reason, they are not sharing.

I have included NSTask.h in my ios project but
NSTask seems not working.

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