//Generates Prime using Seive of Eratosthenes Idea

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It uses the idea of Seive of Eratosthenes.

The code is basically does the following to find Prime Numbers :

1) Populate Array from 0 - > MAX
2) Find 1st Prime, which is 2
3) Delete all Multiple of 2, i.e set it to false
4) Find next prime, which is 3
5) Delete all multiple of 3
6) Repeat steps 4 - 6 until done.

I also use a little try and catch, just to provide as an example.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;

typedef unsigned int uInt; 
typedef std::vector<bool> boolVec;

//Generates Prime using Seive of Eratosthenes Idea
void SeivePrime(const uInt MAX)
	if(MAX < 1 || MAX > INT_MAX){
		throw std::invalid_argument("Number not within range[2,INT_MAX] to call SeivePrime(const unsigned int)\n\n");

	boolVec Prime(MAX + 1, true);
	//0,1 is not a Prime
	Prime[0] = Prime[1] = false;
	uInt nextPrime = 2;	
	bool deleteComplete = false;

	//Heart of the code
	//Helps generate prime numbers
	while(nextPrime <= MAX)
		//delete all multiple of nextPrime		
		for(uInt i = 2; !deleteComplete; i++)	{			
			if( nextPrime * i > MAX  )
				deleteComplete = true;
			else Prime[nextPrime * i] = false;

		//reset for next use
		deleteComplete = false;

		//Find next prime
		while(nextPrime <= MAX && !Prime[nextPrime]) { 			

	//Display Prime
	uInt i = 0;
	while(i <= MAX)	
	     cout<< i <<" is a Prime\n";						

int main()

	try	{		
	catch(std::exception& e){
		cout << e.what() <<endl;
	return 0;

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