void Display(Productptr t)
    Productptr g;
        cout<<"The list is empty."<<endl;
        while(g!= NULL)
        cout<<"End of the list"<<endl;

This code give me problem.
When I show 1st time is ok.
After 1st time I add something or delete something it will shown repeated 1st node that I insert.After that I cannot get back the normal already.
Any one can explain and solve it??
Text file I also get the same problem.
When I add or delete something in function cannot work normal agian.
The picture down show my problem.

The loop that begins on line 11 of the code you posted: where in that loop do you increment g to point to the next node in the linked list? Don't you want something like this?

while(g != NULL)
  ... <snip>
   g = g->next;

Also I don't see any need to save the original parameter pointer because it is never used again in that function. You could just delete g and use t instead.

I solve my problem already.
Thank you.
I miss up one g=g->Next;
so i alway get back the samething.

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