I have a real simple problem :) I wrote an application in VB.NET and I need to loop through multiple files. Now my code looks like this:
Private Files() As String = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\Data", "*.spe")
which allows only one file to be opened. I have 12 such files in the directory and I would like to transform the above function to be able to load 12 files. in the old VB i did it like this:
Setfilename = "DirName" ' sets the file directory from where the images are loaded
Filepath = "filesDirectory\" + Setfilename + "\" ' get in hard-code the directory path
Filename = Filepath + "B0012.spe" ' get the first file in the folder
Tsteps = 12 ' numbers of images that are processed
Bin = 512 / 16 ' binned pixels (gives also the matrix real dimensions in cm)
Can someone please help with this problem.
Thanks in advance