
I'm planning to do a project which involoves a lot of GUI. Does anybody know whether there is any IDE available that supports a code wizard feature for C++? For eg in VB, we design the menus, frames, text labels, etc. and when we click on 'generate code', the basic code of the form file is generated automatically. Then the only thing we have to do is to define the event handling functions.

Is there any such feature available in case of C++? I'm a newbie to windows programming in C++, so I'm sorry if I've not mentioned some detail that is necessary.

Thanks in advance,

Visual Studio Express is free and will do the job. Here's a link.

So you're giving up on the Turbo C++ compiler at last? ;)

Ah! You remember that? Great. Yes, I'm fed up of that 'fossil' compiler. It is one of the many things that I have learnt from this community...

Thank you :)

Hey, I'm getting this error when I double-click on the setup file that I downloaded.

The VCSetup.EXE file is linked to missing export NTDLL.DLL:NtShutdownSystem

And then,

A device attached to system is not functioning

I searched for that .DLL file and it is there in the directory c:\windows\system.

Yes VC++ 2005 Express is free but it does not contain a code wizard that generates GUI code other than a bare shell with pure win32 api functions. It doesn't let you work with windows like VB does. If you want VB type wizards then Borland C++ builder is probably the best c++ tool.

What version of windows are you using? I'm using XP-home and it works fine for me?

If you want VB type wizards then Borland C++ builder is probably the best c++ tool.

I agree, but it isn't free, so that's why I didn't recommend it.

I agree, but it isn't free, so that's why I didn't recommend it.


Oh so you recommended something the OP can't use because its free?

commented: Whoops, sorry 'bout that +3
commented: Well said!! +2

Darn, you're right. I got confused with VB (Studio WOULD be usefull for VB). Studio can't generate GUI code for C++.. It has been awhile since I did GUI.
So stop downloading and save yourself from a two hour wait..

My sincere appoligies and AD is right. Borland would be the best option.

There are lots of free compilers. But I don't know if any of them have VB-style wizards to generate windows code.

Thank you AD for the links :).

So, let me drop out the visual studio option... and as said earlier borland c++ builder isn't free...

Should I post the same thread in the windows forum?

You may want to check out this http://www.ultimatepp.org/. It seems to have the VB style of putting an application together. I haven't tested it yet as I'm still in the process of getting a handle on C++ basics, command line stuff, before I delve into GUI.

Yeah, I was thinking of Ultimate++ also.

If you don't mind writing "open source" there is also Trolltech's Qt, which I think still comes with a GUI designer. Version 3 had it at least.

And there is GNOME's Glade (GTK+) designer.

There is also the The GUI Toolkit, Framework Page.

Hope this helps.

commented: Thanks :) +2

Thanks Duoas and superjacent. I'll check out these links and come back to you.

I didn't understand what does this mean:

If you don't mind writing "open source"

In Qt's case, it means you can't sell your application. Qt is a commercial company, so they want you to buy a developer's license. But they've made it possible for people who do stuff for free (i.e. KDE) to use their stuff without paying anything.

Okay, understood. I was not knowing this before. Suppose I am using any GUI package, where is it generally mentioned that whether it is open source or not? Is it mentioned during the installation processs?

Most people have it on their website before you download. Some older packages you must first download and unzip to find it, but you can always learn this information before installing.

"Open Source" has been used by businesses to mean that you can access and use their software, but they retain rights to do as they will.

This is different from "Free Software" which generally has more permissive license terms.

The FSF has a webpage all about software licenses (and whether or not they approve).

Thanks to all of you who have helped me in this thread :)

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