How to open a picture in c++ ( jpeg or any other format)

answer: ifstream in("filname.ipg",ios::binary);

how can i get the bixels of the picture
can i do it by ifstram class???

thanks in advance

answer: ifstream in("filname.ipg",ios::binary);

I would like to ask a question about this code.
could you please tell me how to use it in detail? please
Thank you very much

>>could you please tell me how to use it in detail?
How to use it for what? If you want to just know about ifstream, then just google for it.

I think you should use the CImg Library.

Also note that I found it easily by using a search engine like

Always STFW before posting a query.

>>could you please tell me how to use it in detail?
How to use it for what? If you want to just know about ifstream, then just google for it.

I know about ifstream. I mean how can I display the picture? It is not the same as text files.This code connects to the picture right? Then what should I do to display it on the screen? Is it possible?
Is there a way to store a number of pictures in an array?
Thank youuu Ancient Dragon:icon_smile:

Then learn the JPEG format, open it up, read it. To display it, that needs more information.

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