Hi all, just wondering if you anybody could give me some pointers as to where I could find a Microsoft tipsheet/how-to tutorial in terms of UI design (I know how to code it). Many thanks

What I really mean is layout tips and button label name standards etc.

The only one I know of is absolutely ancient, and it doesn't seem to be available on MSDN anymore. There are plenty of books on the subject, but if you want online freebies, you'll have to do some netdiving on google.

ok thanks both of you, was hoping to find something of a framework or specification I could work from, you know to make my windows forms look like real microsoft ones. many thanks

They will look like real microsoft ones. When you create a Windows Application project in Visual Studio (I assume you're using one of the express editions ?) In the Program.cs file in the Main function is a line of code:


This means all the controls will inherit the current theme the user running your application has got set.

thanks for your reply, I knew about that, trouble is when I create my windows forms they do not look anywhere near as professional as microsofts. do you see what I mean ?

thanks for your reply, I knew about that, trouble is when I create my windows forms they do not look anywhere near as professional as microsofts. do you see what I mean ?

well the developers at microsoft have years and years of experience in UI design, and are more then likely NOT using C# or the .NET framework to develope applications for their OS.

with time and practice your applications UI will improve;however, don't expect the high end interfaces seen on applications that were developed by large parties of people, it takes a lot of work and collaboration to get something like that.

ok thanks for the advice

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