Ladies and gentlemen,
I have an issue inserting records into my new table
Output table is: "TblProgrammersHours". In this table, RequestID and ProgrammerInitials are combined to form my Primary key - so each has unique value.
input tables are: "TblRequests" and "TblPersonnel"
Note: I was not able to attached my database for clarification purposes because it exceeds the allowable volume of data.
However, you can copy my code into your query design window.
I copied the query below exactly from my query design window and pasted it here. I got this code after I ran an "append" query (Insert query)
After running the append/Insert query, I got no output.
Can someone see if they can pinpoint my mistakes?
INSERT INTO TblProgrammersHours ( RequestID, ProgrammerInitials, CurrProgHours, PrevProgHours, TotalProgHours, Positions )
SELECT TblRequests.RequestID, TblPersonnel.Initials, TblRequests.Prog1Hrs, TblRequests.PrevProg1Hrs, TblRequests.TotalProg1Hrs, 1 AS Positions
FROM TblPersonnel INNER JOIN TblRequests ON TblPersonnel.Name = TblRequests.Personnel1;