I have windows XP version 5.1, SP 2. Tried installing Turbo C, on ruuning the install.exe, it does not take any input from keyboard. e.g. it says press Enter to continue. When I press Enter nothing happens. CAnt even close the install window. Have to kill it to close.

is it zipped one ? if so
no need to install just unzip it and put in to c drive, i think it will work. u just have to set environment veriable.

i using windows xp i install the turboc when i click tc but it open and close immediately

i using windows xp.i install turboc finally it shows inactive install

The Turbo C I am most familiar with was designed to be used under DOS: preceding Windows 3.1, preceding Win95, preceding Win98, preceding Win2000, preceding WinXP. The huge hint to be taken here is that it is generally not appropriate for general use on a more modern OS, and this has been the case for well over a decade.

It's too bad that Turbo C still remains a requirement in the Indian school system (most prevalently). It still has "graphics" designed for DOS, not even advancing to Win32 which came out in the mid-90's. It still supports a lot of nonstandard coding practice designed for DOS (not a Windows console, mind you, but actual DOS). So using it also leads to learning things that went out of date in 1989 when the first C standard came out. And it certainly predates the C++ standard.

So by using this Turbo C, you will unfortunately be learning how to code in a variant of the language that has not really existed in a decade or two. :(

Having trouble installing and using it is a bit of a good thing -- your system is trying to dissuade you from doing something that would be detrimental to learning C and C++. But I do understand that it is all too often a requirement. [A recommendation would be to try to find a DOS machine, but it seems to me people have been stumbling through using Turbo C on WinXP for years already (I hope they've since recovered from the experience).]

I would generally recommend getting another compiler; Microsoft's freebie seems quite popular these days, as does Code::Blocks' MinGW version of gcc, among others. Even if you can get Turbo C installed and working, it would be a good idea to have these compilers as well so that you can also learn what these up-to-date systems will reject (correctly) that Turbo C will allow.

And don't bump threads from 2 years ago -- start a new thread instead.

commented: Nice reply. +6
commented: Bravo! +18
commented: All this time I was trying to run CP/M on my quad core... +1
commented: love this post. it ought to be made a sticky and referenced to every poor schmuck that is forced to struggle with Turbo C +6

i using windows xp i install the turboc when i click tc but it open and close immediately

Good :) Now get yourself a newer free compiler such as Code::Blocks/MinGW or VC++ 2008 Express.

I am getting Troubles to open Turboc C , i am having winxp sp2 i try to open Turboc C But getting errors error is ,,,,,, The NTVDM HAS ENCOUNTERED AN ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION. CS:0000 IP:0075 OP:f0 37 05 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. plz anyone can shortout my problem

I am getting Troubles to open Turboc C , i am having winxp sp2 i try to open Turboc C But getting errors error is ,,,,,, The NTVDM HAS ENCOUNTERED AN ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION. CS:0000 IP:0075 OP:f0 37 05 Choose 'Close' to terminate the application. plz anyone can shortout my problem

you've got two problems:

(1) Turbo C

(2) Posting in old, dead threads.

here's the solution to (1)

and here's the solution to (2)

I wish Dani would write a bot that would automatically delete any post that even mentions Turbo C or Turbo C++.

commented: If only I could give you more rep than this, I would. :) Check out the post in Area 51. We were going to try to throw a sticky together for it. +2

I can't write 'i' in a word.It's like,if I try to write int,then it turns out 1nt.or if I try to write void,then it becomes vo1d.

Does that problem happen in other programs too? Such as Notepad ?

where can i download tubo c 2.0?
please help me..

This link has Turbo C/C++ 1.01, which I strongly recommend, because:

1) It's a newer product, and has fewer bugs than the older Turbo C 2.0
2) It has both a C++ and a C compiler - files with a dot c filename will be compiled with the C compiler, by default.

3) I still use it, frequently.

I recommend newer compilers and IDE's: free Visual Express or Code::Blocks + the Ming compiler, (as Dave Sinkula previously mentioned in this thread), but if you MUST use Turbo C, then Turbo C/C++ (which is commonly called Turbo C at times), is a good TC to use.

If you can't find what you're looking for there, Google "Borland Legacy Software", and follow the links.

I cant install it even if had extracted it in drive C

Did you read the "Readme" file in the TC directory?

Especially the install instructions?

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