I am developing a program to gather information from the client. I have apache tomcat web server and all the client have one client program to communicate to the server. I want to make this connection http for security reason but i know how can i do this. It is advisable to connect to client's ServerSocket using servlet and fetch up the information from it ? Or any other method except RMI to invoke client to return information to the server in http manner. If anyone have the solution please help Duckman please Reply asap I know its your area. Thanx in Advance
shaikh_mshariq 2 Junior Poster in Training
masijade 1,351 Industrious Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
shaikh_mshariq 2 Junior Poster in Training
masijade 1,351 Industrious Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster
shaikh_mshariq 2 Junior Poster in Training
jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague
shaikh_mshariq 2 Junior Poster in Training
vpcse 0 Newbie Poster
shaikh_mshariq 2 Junior Poster in Training
vpcse 0 Newbie Poster
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