I have this project but i can't display the months by name, they only come by number. i am stuck can anybody help me?
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main ()
string month_name;
// Constants for package monthly rates
const double PackageA_RATE = 9.95;
const double PackageB_RATE = 14.95;
const double PackageC_RATE = 19.95;
char Nonprofit; // Nonprofit Organization Status? ( Y or N )
char choice; // Menu choice
int hours; // Number of hours
double charges; // Monthly charges
//declaration of local variables
int month, // number for the month
days, // number of days in the month
m_number =0, // month number
year; // year input
bool validInput = true, // flag signaling valid inputt
leapyear = false; // flag signaling leap year
obtain and validate inputs from user
cout << "Enter month name.\n\n"
<< " January July\n"
<< " Feburary August\n"
<< " March September\n"
<< " April October\n"
<< " May November\n"
<< " June December\n\n";
// check for valid month
if (month_name [0] == 'J' && month_name [1] == 'a')
m_number = 1;
else if (month_name [0] == 'F' && month_name [1] == 'e' )
m_number = 2;
else if (month_name [0] == 'M' && month_name [1] == 'a' && month_name [2] == 'r')
m_number = 3;
else if (month_name [0] == 'A' && month_name [1] == 'p' )
m_number = 4;
else if (month_name [0] == 'M' && month_name [1] == 'a' && month_name [2] == 'y')
m_number = 5;
else if (month_name [0] == 'J' && month_name [1] == 'u' && month_name [2] == 'n')
m_number = 6;
else if (month_name [0] == 'J' && month_name [1] == 'u' && month_name [2] == 'l' )
m_number = 7;
else if (month_name [0] == 'A' && month_name [1] == 'u' )
m_number = 8;
else if (month_name [0] == 'S' && month_name [1] == 'e' )
m_number = 9;
else if (month_name [0] == 'O' && month_name [1] == 'c' )
m_number = 10;
else if (month_name [0] == 'N' && month_name [1] == 'o' )
m_number = 11;
else if (month_name [0] == 'D' && month_name [1] == 'e' )
m_number = 12;
cin >> month;
if (m_number < 1 || m_number > 12) // check for valid month
cout << "\nMonth must be between 1-12. \n";
validInput = false;
else // valid month so calculate number of days
cout << "Enter year (1582-9999): ";
cin >> year;
if (year < 1582 || year > 9999) // check for valid year--invalid
cout << "\nYear must be between (1582-9999). \n";
validInput = false;
case 'Ja': //31 days months
case 'Mar' :
case 'May':
case 'Jul':
case 'Au':
case 'Oc':
case 'De':
days = 31;
case 'Ap': //30 days months
case 'Jun':
case 'Se':
case 'No':
days = 30;
case 'Fe': //Feburary as a special case
if (((year % 4 ==0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0))
leapyear = true;
days = 29;
days = 28;
}//end switch
if (validInput) //month and year were OK
cout << "\nThe Month " << month
<< " in year " << year
<< " has " << days << endl;
// Display the menu and get the user's choice
cout << " Internet Subscription Package Menu \n\n ";
cout << " Package A: 10 hours of free access for $ 9.95 per month. Additional hours are $ 2.00 per hour \n \n";
cout << " Package B: 20 hours of free access for $ 14.95 per month. Additional hours are $ 1.00 per hour \n \n";
cout << " Package C: Unlimited access for $19.95 per month \n \n";
cout << " Enter Package type (A, B, C )or Q to exit : \n \n";
cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 'A' : cout << "You entered A. \n";
case 'B' : cout << "You entered B. \n";
case 'c' : cout << "You entered C. \n";
default: cout << "nInvalid Selection (Please Enter A, B, or C!) \n";
cout << " Do you have a Nonprofit Organization Status \n \n";
cout << " Enter Y for Yes or N for No. \n \n";
cin >> Nonprofit;
// Set the numeric output formatting
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision (2);
// Use the menu selection to execute the correct set of actions
if (choice == 'A')
{ cout << "\n Number of hours used? " << endl;
cin >> hours;
if (hours <= 10)
charges = PackageA_RATE;
charges = PackageA_RATE + (hours - 10) * 2;
else if (choice == 'B')
{ cout << "\n Number of hours used? ";
cin >> hours;
if (hours <= 20)
charges = PackageB_RATE;
charges = PackageB_RATE + (hours - 20);
else if (choice == 'C')
charges = PackageC_RATE;
if (Nonprofit == 'Y')
cout << "\nYou qualify for the additional 10% discount.\n";
charges = .90 * (charges);
cout << " Your charges are: " << charges << endl;
else if
return 0;