Hey, I'm new here (as you can tell), and I'm in need of some help..
I need to make a interest calculator that displays the years, beginning amount of each year, the interest of each year, and the end amount of each year. I have the GUI all set up correctly and everything, but I just can't seem to figure out how to do the math for the interest for each year, or to find the end balance and set that to the next year's beginning balance. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import BreezySwing.*;
public class Interest extends GBFrame {
// Declare variables for the window objects
private JLabel BeginLabel;
private JLabel YearLabel;
private JLabel RateLabel;
private JLabel CmpLabel;
private DoubleField BeginField;
private DoubleField YearField;
private DoubleField RateField;
private DoubleField CmpField;
private JButton CalcButton;
private JButton ClrButton;
private JTextArea output;
// Define the other instance variables
private double totalInterest; //The total of all sales
// Constructor
public Interest(){
// Define the table's header line
String header = Format.justify('l', "Year", 8) +
Format.justify('l', "Begin Amount", 17) +
Format.justify('l', "Interest", 14) +
Format.justify('l', "End Amount", 14) + "\n";
// Instantiate the window objects
BeginLabel = addLabel ("Beginning Amount" ,1,1,1,1);
YearLabel = addLabel ("Years" ,2,1,1,1);
RateLabel = addLabel ("Rate" ,3,1,1,1);
CmpLabel = addLabel ("Compound Rate" ,4,1,1,1);
BeginField = addDoubleField (0 ,1,2,1,1);
YearField = addDoubleField (0 ,2,2,1,1);
RateField = addDoubleField (0 ,3,2,1,1);
CmpField = addDoubleField (0 ,4,2,1,1);
CalcButton = addButton ("Calculate" ,5,1,1,1);
ClrButton = addButton ("Clear Table" ,5,2,1,1);
output = addTextArea (header ,1,3,3,5);
// Disable the text area because we don't want the user to change it.
// Set the focus to name field in preparation for the user's first input.
//Change color so I won't forget..
// Initialize the totals to 0.
totalInterest = 0;
// Respond to the command buttons
public void buttonClicked (JButton buttonObj){
if (buttonObj == CalcButton){
BeginField.requestFocus(); //Move the cursor to the begin field
}if (buttonObj == ClrButton){
// Read the inputs, compute the commissions, format and display the
// name, sale, and commission.
private void processInputs(){
// Declare the local variables
double IntEarned = 0; // interest
double Rate; // rate
double Cmp; // compound rate
double Begin; // beginning amount
double Year; // years
double End; // ending amount
// Read the user input
Begin = BeginField.getNumber();
Rate = RateField.getNumber();
Year = YearField.getNumber();
for (int Tyrs = 0; Tyrs <= Year; Tyrs++ ){
IntEarned = Begin * Math.pow((1.0 + Rate), Tyrs);
End = Begin + IntEarned;
// Display the years, beginning amount, interest earned, and the ending amount
displayNumbers (Tyrs, Begin, IntEarned, End);
private void clearInputs(){
// Clears the "output" text area
// Format another line and append to the text area.
private void displayNumbers (double num1, double num2, double num3, double num4){
String numberLine = Format.justify ('l', num1, 8, 2) +
Format.justify ('l', num3, 17, 2) +
Format.justify ('l', num3, 14, 2) +
Format.justify ('l', num4, 14, 2) ;
output.append (numberLine + "\n");
public static void main (String[] args){
Interest theGUI = new Interest();
theGUI.setSize (600, 300);
theGUI.setVisible (true);
theGUI.setTitle("Interest Table");