
I was wondering if there is a tutorial on binomial heaps on this site. if not, i would appreciate it if someone can post any links that are helpful on binomial heaps. All the text books i have do not have anything on binomial heaps. some do not even have anything on heaps at all. The reason i am asking is coz my professor mentioned binomial heaps in class after briefly discussing binary heaps.

Thank you in advance for your help.

thanks, but i was looking for something else besides wikipedia.

Wikipedia seems to give a good description. What more information do you need?

i know. i just am not sure how accurate it is as anybody can edit it. thanks anyway.

Ok. Usually, mathematical and scientific entries on Wikipedia are very accurate. The exposition is lacking, though.

>i just am not sure how accurate it is as anybody can edit it.
Tutorials aren't any better because you're not sure if the author can rub two brain cells together. You have to assume that it's accurate, or find multiple sources and compare.

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