This is the error message i get when i try and use the foor loop,

cannot find symbol - variable split result

for(int i=0;i<=216;i=i+3){
      MyPanel.txtbyellowentry.setText(splitresult[i+2]) ;
        MyPanel.txtbgreenentry.setText(splitresult[i+2]) ;

What i am doing is, in my other class(matchlist) i am using a stringbuilder to send a group of matches to a text area (in the mypanel class where my foorlopp is located), then, in the same class i am using the splitreult method with the ("\ \ s") which looks for the blank spaces and breaks the one string in to an array of many. The idea is then by using the


i set the first two names to apprpriate text boxes. My problem arises hwoever when i try to increment the names on the push of a button so the two orignal names are replaced by another, i realise its because they are in different classes, whats the easiest way to solve this?

im sorry if this is vague, i tried to explain the best i can, if anyone wants to help and needs more information please say and ill provide it

well, the error is clear.
There's no array called "splitresult" so you can't access it.

yeh i no this, i just dont no how to fix it, is there anychane you could point me to a resource online so i can adopt and modify it, or could you give me another example so i can use it for resources, as this is what i am struggling with

Your classes should provide methods to access the information that is needed. To call those methods, you need a reference to an instance of that class. I'd recommend reading through some of this material

maybe learn to write correct English and people will be able to help you, kid.
As it is your ramblings are utterly incomprehensible.

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