this my proj..
i need to do a program that will
display the names in file.txt into jlist please help me with this...
and i need a button for save,add new,cancel,and close..
after the names displayed in the list..when it clicked,,it must display its corresponding address,and contact number...thanks..hope youll help me with this...

good luck.

lol JWenting

lol JWenting

what kind of a programmer are you??You can even help a new programmer in a very little problem...

what kind of a programmer are you??You can even help a new programmer in a very little problem...

Help? yes. Do it for you? NO!

What do you have so far?

You don't ask for help, you just posted your assignment that includes a lot of different fields from java. (gui designing, button handling, reading/writing files).
What is your background, what are your weaknesses, what you don't understand?
No one is going to do it all for you.
Start writing code and you will get help. And to help you started:
Create a class that represents the data. //use get,set methods, add attributes:name, address,...
Create a class with methods that write and read to a file. //there are examples in books
Design the gui. (add only the elements that it will have with no button handling at the begining)
See that displays OK and then try to handle the button actions

as you can see, we are al eager to help, we just will not do it all for you

though given your attitude to far that eagerness to help has taken quite a steep nosedive...

this my proj..
i need to do a program that will

as you said: it is your project and you need to do it. what else did you expect?
this is a forum to learn by getting help where you're stuck, not

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