Ok i have some code which stores a subject, difficulty, correctAnswers, maxQuestions and date into a text file.
Now when i want this file to be read i can display all the information with no problem, but i want it so the newest date is a the top.

Heres my code to read the data:

			FileReader fr = new FileReader (file);
			BufferedReader inputFile = new BufferedReader(fr);
			line = inputFile.readLine();
			scorePanel.add(new JLabel(line));
			while (line != null)
				line = inputFile.readLine();
				scorePanel.add(new JLabel(line));
		catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
			System.out.println("File not found");
		catch (IOException exception)

Or is it possible that when you write to the text file you can put the new information above the old one? My current code to write to the file is:

try {
	        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("scores.dat", true));
	        PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter(bw);
			outputFile.print(subject + "  " + difficulty + "  " + correctAnswers + "  " + maxQuestions+"  "+ finalPercentage + "%  "+ date);
	    } catch (IOException e) {

Hope this makes sense and thank you for any help :)

You need to store your information into an array, sort the array by date, then output the text to the screen.

Since each line contains multiple pieces of info, create a new class and build objects from that and implement a compareTo method for the sorting.

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