Hello :)

I'm making a very simple game in C++ (very much like the old DOS game Supaplex if anybody know that :P). I'm using the windows API, not GDI, DirectX or anything like that. I've only just begun learning the Win Api some days ago :)

I have the problem that I don't know how to check if multiple keys are pressed. I want to have that only when holding down the space key, you can do something with the arrow keys. I had tried to search the web, but I could only find something about using shift and ctrl as hotkeys. Someone know how to do this?

In short, you probably want to detect the WM_KEYDOWN message from the spacebar, and until you see the WM_KEYUP from spacebar, process other key messages.

hehe thx for the fast reply, why didn't I think of that? :P

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