Hey guys I hope you can help me with this problem, its like a minor problem.

I don't know how to generate the secret code... meaning if the input was:
c.println (generateCipherAlphabet ("COMPUTER SCIENCE));

Above only outputs "COMPUTERSINQVWXYZABDFGHJKL" which is the cipher alphabet only

I want it to output "CQHOVJMWKPXLUYTZEARBSDIFNG" which is the secret code.. how do I do that? I was thinking of some for loops if it is can ya help me construct one?

public class GenerateCipher

    /** To generate keyPhrase into cipher alphabet and secret code
    * @param keyPhrase keyPhrase to be changed
    * @return changed keyPhrase
    public static String generateCipherAlphabet (String keyPhrase)
        //defines the variables and creates alphabet string
        String alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        String realStr = "";
        String newStr = "";
        //for loop combined to delete the punctuations and spaces
        for (int index = 0 ; index < keyPhrase.length () ; index++)
            char character = keyPhrase.charAt (index);
            if (Character.isLetter (character))
                newStr += character;
        //for loop to remove the duplicated letters from the keyPhrase
        for (int position = 0 ; position < newStr.length () ; position++)
            char removeLetter = newStr.charAt (position);
            //detects for the duplicated letters remaining in keyPhrase
            if (realStr.lastIndexOf (removeLetter, position - 1) == -1)
                realStr += removeLetter;
        //starts at the end of the keyPhrase to add the alphabets
        char searchLetter = realStr.charAt (realStr.length () - 1);
        //for loop to add the alphabet starting from the searchLetter to the end
        for (int position = (alphabet.indexOf (searchLetter)) ; position < alphabet.length () ; position++)
            char letterAdded = alphabet.charAt (position);
            //if statement when there is a duplicated letter from the cipher
            if (realStr.lastIndexOf (letterAdded, position - 1) == -1)
                realStr += letterAdded;
        //for loop that adds the alphabet from the beginning of keyPhrase
        for (int position = 0 ; position < alphabet.indexOf (searchLetter) ; position++)
            char letterAdded2 = alphabet.charAt (position);
            //if statement when there is a duplicated letter from the beginning of the cipher
            if (realStr.lastIndexOf (letterAdded2) == -1)
                realStr += letterAdded2;
        //for loop to jump the incrament of letters from length of realStr
        for (int position = 0 ; position < realStr.length () ; position++)
            char character2 = realStr.charAt (position);
            int character2Pos = realStr.indexOf (character2);
            //for loop to build the final cipher alphabet
            for (int index = character2Pos ; index >= realStr.length () ;
                    index += realStr.length ())
                realStr += realStr.charAt (index);
        return realStr;

What's your definition of the cipher alphabet as opposed to the secret code? I thought that a cipher was a type of code, so I don't really understand what you are asking here... :S

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