I have a general question about Diagram in VC++ 2008.

If I want to draw a diagram out of a serie of numbers for the coordinates X and Y in a Diagram.
Is there any classes/ built in methods for this.

- Is this very difficult things to do in C++ ?
- Do I need any Add-In:s to C++ etc.. to be able to do this.

Thank you...

>>Is there any classes/ built in methods for this.

>>Is this very difficult things to do in C++ ?
Depends on your experience. What is easy for me might be very difficult for you.

>> Do I need any Add-In:s to C++ etc.. to be able to do this.
Depends on your compiler and the operating system you are using. For MS-Windows you can use win32 api graphics drawing functions. One place to start is this link.

This sounds interesting. I have looked this website out and as you say the class library is written in C#.
I have to ask to be sure. This is not something I can use in VC++ 2008 .NET Express Edition, I beleive ?

I have downloaded some sample projects and this code seems to be written in C++ so I get a little confused. :)

You might find ZedGraph useful, it's a class library written in C#.

The project's web site is here

And some sample projects can be downloaded here

This is not something I can use in VC++ 2008 .NET Express Edition, I beleive ?

I think there should be no problems with VC++ 2008 .NET Express. Give it a try by opening the ZedGraphSampleVC.sln (the VC ++ sample) and see how it works. The class library's code comes precompiled in the ZedGraph.dll (a dynamic link library) - so you need to add that file as a reference in your VC++ projects that use the ZedGraph. In the sample project this reference already exists (see Project/Properties/Common Properties/References).

The documentation for the library is available here

and then there is a dedicated user forum in here (seems to be quite active)

hi, if you want to draw typical mathematical diagrams, I would suggest c++ interface of gnuplot by Robert. This is great for scientific publications, also able to create TeX code.

Yes, it worked to open it in VC++. I added this reference and I will see what I can do.
Thank you !

I think there should be no problems with VC++ 2008 .NET Express. Give it a try by opening the ZedGraphSampleVC.sln (the VC ++ sample) and see how it works. The class library's code comes precompiled in the ZedGraph.dll (a dynamic link library) - so you need to add that file as a reference in your VC++ projects that use the ZedGraph. In the sample project this reference already exists (see Project/Properties/Common Properties/References).

The documentation for the library is available here

and then there is a dedicated user forum in here (seems to be quite active)

>> so you need to add that file as a reference in your VC++ projects that use the ZedGraph. In the sample project this reference already exists (see Project/Properties/Common Properties/References).

I am trying to add this ZedGraphControl to my Form. I have add this file as a reference like described above.
What I wonder now. Is it possible to "Drag and Drop" this GraphControl to my form as you do with Ex: a "textBox" or do I have to write all the code manually in the CodeView ?

However I cant find "ZedGraphControl" anywhere to drag and drop this control.
I wonder if and how this could be possible to do ?

I think there should be no problems with VC++ 2008 .NET Express. Give it a try by opening the ZedGraphSampleVC.sln (the VC ++ sample) and see how it works. The class library's code comes precompiled in the ZedGraph.dll (a dynamic link library) - so you need to add that file as a reference in your VC++ projects that use the ZedGraph. In the sample project this reference already exists (see Project/Properties/Common Properties/References).

The documentation for the library is available here

and then there is a dedicated user forum in here (seems to be quite active)

However I cant find "ZedGraphControl" anywhere to drag and drop this control.

Open Tools/Choose Toolbox Items/.NET Framework Components
Click Browse and select the component .dll. Click OK and the ZedGraphControl should appear in the Toolbox.

This worked great ! I have a wondering about the ZedGraph if someone knows if it is possible.
When the ZedGraph is opened as a Diagram. The Outside-Borders of the Diagram Area is White.
Is it possible to change this color to another color.
In the zedGraph control you can change BackColor and also choose a BackgroundImage but none of these 2 oppurtunities does anything to the ZedGraph-Control.

Open Tools/Choose Toolbox Items/.NET Framework Components
Click Browse and select the component .dll. Click OK and the ZedGraphControl should appear in the Toolbox.

In the zedGraph control you can change BackColor and also choose a BackgroundImage but none of these 2 oppurtunities does anything to the ZedGraph-Control.

I suggest you post strictly ZedGraph related questions to the dedicated help forum in

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