this is sasidhar. I am going to attend an Inteview. He gave me a simple project using servlets.

Inventory management. I am searching for procedure in net. If anyone gives Some useful information regarding this I am very thankful.

If I submit this project almost I will get job. I want to submit this job tomorrow.
Please help me.

You cannot seriously think it's a good idea to take code written by others and submit it as your own for an interview. If you cannot complete the project then you should not get the job.

rather idiotic to ask kids to go home and steal some code from the web to turn in as a show of how well they can do the job.
Makes me think that plagiarism and theft is the business model of that company...

Now if you give us the name and email address of the recruiting officer we'll be sure to send our appraisals of your efforts to them for consideration.

this is sasidhar. I am going to attend an Inteview. He gave me a simple project using servlets.

Inventory management. I am searching for procedure in net. If anyone gives Some useful information regarding this I am very thankful.

If I submit this project almost I will get job. I want to submit this job tomorrow.
Please help me.

And what will happen when you deliver the project that you didn't do and then they ask you to build a similar project? Or do you expect that we will do your work until you retire?

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