hi ppl!
im here again :S with another problem, which, is more a question about if what im doing is ok.

the thing is i have to do a problem that counts the total of letters sent, the total of packages sent, total of letters and packages sent on the next day priority, on the next day normal, and the total if its sent over 2 days.
also i have to calculate a big total of letters and packages sent (i mean letters + packages in each day) and the percentage of the total of things sent on the next day priority, of the next day normal, and over 2 days.

i already have a code made, my question if its ok to put a for loop in the middle of a chain of ifs:

if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 7))                    
       cout << " Se le cobraran 8$ " << "\n";                // these 3 are letters, 
else if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 8))               
      cout << " Se le cobraran 5$ " << "\n";
else if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 9))
       cout << " No esta disponible$ " << "\n";
              else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 7))         // from here to the end, are packages
                     cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";
              else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 8))
                     cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";
              else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
                     cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
                            else if((peso > 1000) && (dia = 7))
                                   cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";
                                   cout << " Y 2$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
                                   diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
                                   total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2) + 2));
                                   cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
                            else if ((dia = 8) && (peso > 1000))
                                   cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";
                                   cout << " Y 1.5$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
                                   diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
                                   total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));
                                   cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
                            else if ((dia = 9)&& (peso > 1000))
                                   cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
                                   cout << " Y 1$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
                                   diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
                                   total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));
                                   cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";

what i want to do is this: the program must consider the hours in which the people work, so the first for loop would control that [for (hour = hour_begining; (hour > hour_begining) && (hour < hour_final); hour++) ]. now, when it comes to the other two for loops, i dont know if they will stop in any way the ifs, or do i have to write the code differently.

in the code:
peso = weight
dia = day
total_a_pagar = is what i have to pay if i send just one (its calculated only for the packages, if its a letter doesnt matter the weight, its a fixed price)

thanks for the help!!

ps: if anything isnt clear, ask me! and if whole code were necessary ill paste it!!

If we asked for more code, would you still post it without code tags?

here is the code

// caja_paquete_2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	using namespace std;

	char tipo_servicio, dia;

	float peso, total_a_pagar = 0, diferencia;      // CALCULA PRECIO UNITARIO DE CADA COSA
	int total_paquete = 0, total_carta = 0;  // TOTALES POR TIPO ENTREGA, incializadas
	int total_dia_sig_prioritario = 0, total_dia_sig_normal = 0, total_2_dias_o_mas = 0; // TOTALES POR DIA, ya inicializadas
	int totales_de_entregas = 0;          // PARA QUE CALCULE EL TOTAL DE ENTREGAS, ya inicializadas
	float porcentaje_dia_sig_prioritario, porcentaje_dia_siguiente_normal, porcentaje_dos_dias_o_mas;     // PORCENTAJES
	float dinero_recaudado = 0;         // TOTAL DINERO RECAUDADO, ya inicializada
	float hora, hora_fin, hora_inicio;         // HORA DEL DIA PARA CARGAR LAS COSAS

	cout << "Ingrese hora a la que empieza a trabajar (hh.mm): ";
	cin >> hora_inicio;
	cout << "\n";

	cout << " Ingrese la hora a la que termina de trabajar (hh.mm): ";
	cin >> hora_fin;
	cout << "\n";

	for (hora = hora_inicio; hora < hora_fin; hora++)
		cout << " Ingrese tipo de servicio:" << "\n";         ////////
		cout << " 1 - Carta" << "\n";                         ////////
		cout << " 2 - Paquete" << "\n";                       //
		cin >> tipo_servicio;                                 //   
		cout << " Ingrese tipo de entrega: " << "\n";         //          primer ingreso
		cout << " 7 - Dia siguiente prioritario" << "\n";     //              de datos
		cout << " 8 - Dia siguiente normal" << "\n";          //
		cout << " 9 - Dos dias o mas" << "\n";                //
		cin >> dia;                                           //
		cout << " Ingrese peso EN GRAMOS a enviar: ";         ////////
		cin >> peso;                                          ////////
		cout << "\n";

	if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 7))                    //
		cout << " Se le cobraran 8$ " << "\n";       //
	else if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 8))               //
		cout << " Se le cobraran 5$ " << "\n";
	else if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 9))
		cout << " No esta disponible$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 7))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 8))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
			else if((peso > 1000) && (dia = 7))
				cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";
				cout << " Y 2$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
				diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
				total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2) + 2));
				cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
			else if ((dia = 8) && (peso > 1000))
				cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";
				cout << " Y 1.5$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
				diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
				total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));
				cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
			else if ((dia = 9)&& (peso > 1000))
				cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
				cout << " Y 1$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
				diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
				total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));
				cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";

 system ("PAUSE");

	return 0;
commented: Well you've got to 10 posts without figuring out code tags, here's a cookie -4

Salem meant you should wrap your code in code tags (the (code) button on the top, or just type YOUR CODE HERE, with four spaces before code).

Do you want the for loop to be part of this conditional:

else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
//for loop only executed if peso is between 30 and 1000 and dia is 9

If so, just wrap the code in curly brackets:

else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
    cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
    //your loop here
//next else if condition

If you meant that the loop is executed regardless of the above conditional, you can also do that, though the else if after it would need to become a regular if:

/*else*/if((peso > 1000) && (dia = 7))

so, u mean that i should put the for inside the if, n wont modify the ifs instructions?

cuz i have to count the letters sent every day, and then sum it up

Member Avatar for Epic Tissue

> my question if its ok to put a for loop in the middle of a chain of ifs

Yes it's ok. Try put it in and see what happens. If it messes up it's the logic that's wrong.

Here's the code in code-tags.

// caja_paquete_2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	using namespace std;

	char tipo_servicio, dia;

	float peso, total_a_pagar = 0, diferencia; // CALCULA PRECIO UNITARIO DE CADA COSA
	int total_paquete = 0, total_carta = 0; // TOTALES POR TIPO ENTREGA, incializadas
	int total_dia_sig_prioritario = 0, total_dia_sig_normal = 0, total_2_dias_o_mas = 0; // TOTALES POR DIA, ya inicializadas
	int totales_de_entregas = 0; // PARA QUE CALCULE EL TOTAL DE ENTREGAS, ya inicializadas
	float porcentaje_dia_sig_prioritario, porcentaje_dia_siguiente_normal, porcentaje_dos_dias_o_mas; // PORCENTAJES
	float dinero_recaudado = 0; // TOTAL DINERO RECAUDADO, ya inicializada
	float hora, hora_fin, hora_inicio; // HORA DEL DIA PARA CARGAR LAS COSAS

	cout << "Ingrese hora a la que empieza a trabajar (hh.mm): ";
	cin >> hora_inicio;
	cout << "\n";

	cout << " Ingrese la hora a la que termina de trabajar (hh.mm): ";
	cin >> hora_fin;
	cout << "\n";

	for (hora = hora_inicio; hora < hora_fin; hora++)
		cout << " Ingrese tipo de servicio:" << "\n"; ////////
		cout << " 1 - Carta" << "\n"; ////////
		cout << " 2 - Paquete" << "\n"; //
		cin >> tipo_servicio; //
		cout << " Ingrese tipo de entrega: " << "\n"; // primer ingreso
		cout << " 7 - Dia siguiente prioritario" << "\n"; // de datos
		cout << " 8 - Dia siguiente normal" << "\n"; //
		cout << " 9 - Dos dias o mas" << "\n"; //
		cin >> dia; //
		cout << " Ingrese peso EN GRAMOS a enviar: "; ////////
		cin >> peso; ////////
		cout << "\n";

		if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 7)) //
			cout << " Se le cobraran 8$ " << "\n"; //
		else if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 8)) //
			cout << " Se le cobraran 5$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso < 30) && (dia = 9))
			cout << " No esta disponible$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 7))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 8))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";
		else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
		else if((peso > 1000) && (dia = 7))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";
			cout << " Y 2$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
			diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
			total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2) + 2));
			cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
		else if ((dia = 8) && (peso > 1000))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";
			cout << " Y 1.5$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
			diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
			total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));
			cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
		else if ((dia = 9)&& (peso > 1000))
			cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";
			cout << " Y 1$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";
			diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);
			total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));
			cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";

	system ("PAUSE");

	return 0;

Sorry for "bumping" this thread, but it really gave me a headache to see the code like this and I'm sure it's giving other people a headache too.

Use code tags please! People will be more inclined to help when you do.

commented: I don't want to be a meanie and give a neg rep, but if the original poster is unable to use code tags, just let him suffer! Life is easier that way. +1

so, u mean that i should put the for inside the if, n wont modify the ifs instructions?

cuz i have to count the letters sent every day, and then sum it up

Please don't use leet-speak. He's asking whether the for-loop should always be executed, regardless of whether the if-condition is true. If it should always be executed, then don't put the for-loop inside the if-statement. If the for-loop should only be executed if the the if-condition is true, then put the for-loop inside the if-statement's brackets.

I don't understand what you mean by this sentence, the red part in particular.

so, u mean that i should put the for inside the if, n wont modify the ifs instructions?

Do you mean "execute" rather than "modify"? The machine code instructions can't be modified when you run the program.

well, im back here: same program.
i made some modifications n now runs, but the thing is that it puts on screen same message indefinitely.

it reads the hours it worked, what i want to send (package or letter), and the day i want to send it. n then it returns the cost (indefinitely).

there is the code attached, if u want to try it


// cartas_paquetes_v3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	using namespace std;

	char dia, tipo_servicio, horario_trabajo;

	float peso, total_a_pagar = 0, diferencia; // CALCULA PRECIO UNITARIO DE CADA COSA

	int total_paquete = 0, total_carta = 0; // TOTALES POR TIPO ENTREGA, incializadas

	int total_dia_sig_prioritario = 0, total_dia_sig_normal = 0, total_2_dias_o_mas = 0; // TOTALES POR DIA, ya inicializadas
	int total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p = 0, total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c = 0; // TOTALES SIG. PRIO C Y P , inicializadas
	int total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p1 = 0, total_dia_siguiente_normal_p1 = 0, total_dos_dias_o_mas_p1 = 0; // para paquetes mayores a 1000, inicializadas
	int total_dia_siguiente_normal_p = 0, total_dia_siguiente_normal_c = 0; // TOTAL DIA SIG NORMAL, inicializadas
	int total_dos_dias_o_mas_p = 0; // TOTAL DOS DIAS O MAS, inicializadas

	int totales_de_entregas = 0; // PARA QUE CALCULE EL TOTAL DE ENTREGAS, ya inicializadas
	float porcentaje_dia_sig_prioritario, porcentaje_dia_siguiente_normal, porcentaje_dos_dias_o_mas; // PORCENTAJES
	float dinero_recaudado = 0; // TOTAL DINERO RECAUDADO, ya inicializada
	float hora = 0, hora_fin, hora_inicio; // HORA DEL DIA PARA CARGAR LAS COSAS

	int tp, tc;            // CONTADORES    tp, para paquete    tc, para carta
	cout << "Ingrese hora a la que empieza a trabajar (hh.mm): ";	
	cin >> hora_inicio;	cout << "\n"; 	
	cout << " Ingrese la hora a la que termina de trabajar (hh.mm): ";	
	cin >> hora_fin;	cout << "\n"; 	
	for (hora = hora_inicio; hora < hora_fin; hora++)	
		cout << " Ingrese tipo de servicio:" << "\n"; 
		cout << " 1 - Carta" << "\n"; 
		cout << " 2 - Paquete" << "\n"; 
		cin >> tipo_servicio; 
		cout << " Ingrese tipo de entrega: " << "\n"; 
		cout << " 7 - Dia siguiente prioritario" << "\n"; 
		cout << " 8 - Dia siguiente normal" << "\n"; 
		cout << " 9 - Dos dias o mas" << "\n"; 
		cin >> dia; 
		cout << " Ingrese peso EN GRAMOS a enviar: ";
		cin >> peso; 
		cout << "\n"; 		
		for (tc = 1; tipo_servicio = 1; tc++)
			if (dia = 7) 
				cout << " Se le cobraran 8$ " << "\n";
				total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c += 1;
			else if (dia = 8)
				cout << " Se le cobraran 5$ " << "\n";
				total_dia_siguiente_normal_c += 1;
			else if (dia = 9)			
			cout << " No esta disponible$ " << "\n";	
		for (tp = 1; tipo_servicio = 2; tp++)
			if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 7))		
				cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";		
				total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p += 1; 
			else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 8))	
				cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";	
				total_dia_siguiente_normal_p += 1;
			else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
				cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";	
				total_dos_dias_o_mas_p += 1;
				else if((peso > 1000) && (dia = 7))		
					cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n";		
					cout << " Y 2$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";		
					diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);		
					total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2) + 2));	
					cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
					total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p1 += 1;
				else if ((dia = 8) && (peso > 1000))	
					cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n";	
					cout << " Y 1.5$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";	
					diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);		
					total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));		
					cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";	
					total_dia_siguiente_normal_p1 += 1;
				else if ((dia = 9)&& (peso > 1000))
					cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n";			
					cout << " Y 1$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n";	
					diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500);	
					total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2));		
					cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
					total_dos_dias_o_mas_p1 += 1;

	total_paquete = total_dia_siguiente_normal_p + total_dos_dias_o_mas_p + total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p;  // TOTAL PAQUETE
	total_carta = total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c + total_dia_siguiente_normal_c;     //TOTAL CARTAS

	total_dia_sig_prioritario = total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p + total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c;            //TOTAL DIA SIGUIENTE PRIORITARIO
	total_dia_sig_normal = total_dia_siguiente_normal_p + total_dia_siguiente_normal_c;     // TOTAL DIA SIGUIENTE NORMAL
	total_2_dias_o_mas = total_dos_dias_o_mas_p;     // TOTAL DOS DIAS O MAS

	totales_de_entregas = total_paquete + total_carta;      //TOTAL DINERO RECAUDADO
//	dinero_recaudado = ;

	system ("PAUSE");
	return 0;

// cartas_paquetes_v3.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
using namespace std;

char dia, tipo_servicio, horario_trabajo;

float peso, total_a_pagar = 0, diferencia; // CALCULA PRECIO UNITARIO DE CADA COSA

int total_paquete = 0, total_carta = 0; // TOTALES POR TIPO ENTREGA, incializadas

int total_dia_sig_prioritario = 0, total_dia_sig_normal = 0, total_2_dias_o_mas = 0; // TOTALES POR DIA, ya inicializadas
int total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p = 0, total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c = 0; // TOTALES SIG. PRIO C Y P , inicializadas
int total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p1 = 0, total_dia_siguiente_normal_p1 = 0, total_dos_dias_o_mas_p1 = 0; // para paquetes mayores a 1000, inicializadas
int total_dia_siguiente_normal_p = 0, total_dia_siguiente_normal_c = 0; // TOTAL DIA SIG NORMAL, inicializadas
int total_dos_dias_o_mas_p = 0; // TOTAL DOS DIAS O MAS, inicializadas

int totales_de_entregas = 0; // PARA QUE CALCULE EL TOTAL DE ENTREGAS, ya inicializadas

float porcentaje_dia_sig_prioritario, porcentaje_dia_siguiente_normal, porcentaje_dos_dias_o_mas; // PORCENTAJES
float dinero_recaudado = 0; // TOTAL DINERO RECAUDADO, ya inicializada
float hora = 0, hora_fin, hora_inicio; // HORA DEL DIA PARA CARGAR LAS COSAS

int tp, tc; // CONTADORES tp, para paquete tc, para carta

cout << "Ingrese hora a la que empieza a trabajar (hh.mm): "; 
cin >> hora_inicio; cout << "\n"; 
cout << " Ingrese la hora a la que termina de trabajar (hh.mm): "; 
cin >> hora_fin; cout << "\n"; 

for (hora = hora_inicio; hora < hora_fin; hora++) 
cout << " Ingrese tipo de servicio:" << "\n"; 
cout << " 1 - Carta" << "\n"; 
cout << " 2 - Paquete" << "\n"; 
cin >> tipo_servicio; 
cout << " Ingrese tipo de entrega: " << "\n"; 
cout << " 7 - Dia siguiente prioritario" << "\n"; 
cout << " 8 - Dia siguiente normal" << "\n"; 
cout << " 9 - Dos dias o mas" << "\n"; 
cin >> dia; 
cout << " Ingrese peso EN GRAMOS a enviar: ";
cin >> peso; 
cout << "\n"; 

for (tc = 1; tipo_servicio = 1; tc++)
if (dia = 7) 
cout << " Se le cobraran 8$ " << "\n";
total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c += 1;
else if (dia = 8)
cout << " Se le cobraran 5$ " << "\n";
total_dia_siguiente_normal_c += 1;
else if (dia = 9) 
cout << " No esta disponible$ " << "\n"; 
for (tp = 1; tipo_servicio = 2; tp++)
if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 7)) 
cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n"; 
total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p += 1; 
else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 8)) 
cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n"; 
total_dia_siguiente_normal_p += 1;
else if ((peso > 30) && (peso < 1000) && (dia = 9))
cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n"; 
total_dos_dias_o_mas_p += 1;
else if((peso > 1000) && (dia = 7)) 
cout << " Se le cobraran 25$ " << "\n"; 
cout << " Y 2$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n"; 
diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500); 
total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2) + 2)); 
cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p1 += 1;
else if ((dia = 8) && (peso > 1000)) 
cout << " Se le cobraran 20$ " << "\n"; 
cout << " Y 1.5$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n"; 
diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500); 
total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2)); 
cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n"; 
total_dia_siguiente_normal_p1 += 1;
else if ((dia = 9)&& (peso > 1000))
cout << " Se le cobraran 15$ " << "\n"; 
cout << " Y 1$ adicionales por cada 500 gr de màs" << "\n"; 
diferencia = ((peso-1000) / 500); 
total_a_pagar = (25 + ((diferencia *2)+2)); 
cout << " Se le cobraran" << total_a_pagar << " $ en total" << "\n";
total_dos_dias_o_mas_p1 += 1;

total_paquete = total_dia_siguiente_normal_p + total_dos_dias_o_mas_p + total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p; // TOTAL PAQUETE
total_carta = total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c + total_dia_siguiente_normal_c; //TOTAL CARTAS

total_dia_sig_prioritario = total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_p + total_dia_siguiente_prioritario_c; //TOTAL DIA SIGUIENTE PRIORITARIO
total_dia_sig_normal = total_dia_siguiente_normal_p + total_dia_siguiente_normal_c; // TOTAL DIA SIGUIENTE NORMAL
total_2_dias_o_mas = total_dos_dias_o_mas_p; // TOTAL DOS DIAS O MAS

totales_de_entregas = total_paquete + total_carta; //TOTAL DINERO RECAUDADO
// dinero_recaudado = ;

system ("PAUSE");
return 0;


Code tags work like this. Don't use icode tags.


// paste code here



[code=cplusplus] // paste code here. This adds line numbers // and C++ syntax highlighting.


Make sure there are no spaces between the opening brackets and the closing brackets

[code] <-- correct

[ code ] <-- incorrect

My Spanish isn't what it used to be, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but I ran it and got the infinite loop and I think probably the culprit is that you are confusing the = operator and the == operator in these for-loops:

for (tc = 1; tipo_servicio = 1; tc++)

The other for-loops appear to have the same problem. = is the assignment operator, not the comparison operator. Try changing

tipo_servicio = 1


tipo_servicio == 1

on this for-loop and the others and see if that helps.


that worked out,
but now, it doesnt do anything :S

scratch this - didn't see the second page

btw, how do you get the code tag to come up properly without it thinking it's an actual code tag?

scratch this - didn't see the second page

btw, how do you get the code tag to come up properly without it thinking it's an actual code tag?

Use the noparse tag.


[code=cplusplus] // pasted code here


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