I have to create a Pseudo code for a class that is it's second week (I registered Late) I have no idea what I am doing.

I have to create a program that writes a file that lists student ID #'s and their final scores.
This is the data I have to work with.
File Name: Studentscores
Field description Data Type Comments
Student ID Number Numeric 6 digits, 0 decimal places
Classes Attended Numeric a value of 16 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 1 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 2 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 3 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 4 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 5 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 6 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 7 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 8 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 9 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Homework 10 Numeric a value of 10 or lower, 0 decimal places
Test 1 Numeric a value of 100 or lower, 2 decimal places
Test 2 Numeric a value of 100 or lower, 2 decimal places

I have to write the pseudocode for this and a list of all the variables and their data types that are used in the Algorithm and a sample of the output or chart.

The example is 1 student only wen to 10 out of the 12 classes - 75%
he/she handed in 10 assignments totaling 90%
he/she scored 55, 65 on both tests - 60%
and the grade is heavily weighted on the test with them counting twice as much as the homework and attendance.

I am so lost I do not know where to start, I look through the book and nothing looks like this so I went out and got beginning programming for Dummies and it still is not helping. This is due Saterday 07/26/2008 afternoon.


No-one has anything?

I found a Pseudocode in the same chapter for inventory, so I changed it into the student assignment listed above? Can someone please look over it? Also should there be values in the student records? like =<16? How do I list the varaibles?

serform housekeeping()
while not eof
perform mainLoop()
perform closeFile()
declare variables
num studentID
num classesAttended
num homeWork _Wk1
num homeWork _Wk2
num homeWork _Wk3
num homeWork _Wk4
num homeWork _Wk5
num homeWork _Wk6
num homeWork _Wk7
num homeWork _Wk8
num homeWork _Wk9
num homeWork _Wk10
float testOne, testTwo
charmainHeading = “StudentReportFall 2008”
char resultColumn = “Student ID Final Percentage”
open files
STUDENT_RECORD, PRINTER //Guessing that the file is called as such
print mainHeading
print resultColumn
read studentRecord
attendance = classesAttended /16*100
homework = sun of all homework scores//is there a way to write all the addition
testAverage = (testOne + testTwo)/2 //in one statement?
finalPercentage = (attendance = homework + (2 * testAverage) / 4

print studentID
read studentRecord
close files


I have never written pseudocode before - but I was under the assumption that you did not need to define variables - you just basically went through and wrote out (in a human readable format that looks like programming) the logic of the program.


For instance:

calculate_attendance( classes_attended, number_of_classes ) {
     attendance equals (classes_attended / number_of_classes) * 100
calculate_test_grade() {
for each test_grade
   sum equals sum plus test_grade
end for
final_test_grade equals sum / number_of_tests

main loop () {
for each student record
   final_grade equals (test_grade * test_weight) + (attendance_grade * attendance_weight) + .....
   return final_grade
end for

Kind of a hard example IMO to write pseudo code... but given enough thought, you should be able to come up with something. You just need to write out the logic of the program human-readably. If you are having issues, you should speak with your professor - they will tell you what they expect and will probably help you out. They want people to learn, they won't turn you away.

so what i had was totally off base?

Not this one. She said I should have registered earlier or taken he class in the fall. It's going to be hard for her to stop what she is doing or dummy down te class just so I can catch up. Good suggestion though.

Great news, can have until midnight tomorrow to hand my assignmet in. Bad news is when I asked for a little direction she said I should try to get a hold of some of my class mates to ask for help. This is an online class and the only time I have seen their names is in the live lecture on Wednesday. It stats their names but not how to contac them. I already went to the recording to see if there was contact information.

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