Lateley, I was searching for a good WinAPI book (for c++ ofcourse)
After a while searching, i found this book: Programming Windows, 5th Edition by Charles Petzold
The book looks good and is nice and thick (1500 pages or something)
But where I worry about it the age of the book, it's writted in 1998 as http://www.charlespetzold.com/pw5/ sais.
So will it be a waste of time or be incomplete to use this book in the year 2008 (10 years later O.o) or does it not matter if not many big things have changed in the WinAPI...
If not, what other good books of WinAPI do you guys suggest which teaches how to use it step-by-step to someone who has (let's say) no knowledge of using WinAPI
I'd then like a book which does also handle advanced parts too like DLLs and Graphics :P
Thanks in advance,