hi ppl
im back here, but with another problem in another code.
in this one i have to count how many sellers reached the top sells.
thing is that if i put one that reached the top at the end, the program doesnt count it, it counts only the first ones before the last one.
i mean, for example, i put:

code of employee = 1
sells = 20

code of employee = 2
sells = 10

code of employee = 3
sells = 20

code of employee = 0

the code of employee = 3
sells = 20
doesnt count

shall i use a for loop instead?? or a for loop inside the while loop, just to count the employees who reach that top??

// maximo_ventas.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	using namespace std;

	int legajo, vendedor = 0;
	float ventas_vendedor, aux_ventas = 0;

	cout << " Ingrese legajo del vendedor: ";    //code of employee, number wich i use to identify him
	cin >> legajo;
	cout << "\n";

	while (legajo != 0)    
		cout << "Ingrese importe total de ventas de ese vendedor: ";
		cin >> ventas_vendedor;
		cout << "\n";

		while (ventas_vendedor > aux_ventas)    // here i have the max sells made
			aux_ventas = ventas_vendedor;
			vendedor +=1;    // here i count the people who reached that.

		cout << " Ingrese legajo del vendedor: ";
		cin >> legajo;
		cout << "\n";

	cout << " El maximo de ventas fue: " << aux_ventas << "\n";
	cout << " El total de vendedores que alcanzaron ese maximo fue: " << vendedor << "\n";

	return 0;

You have absolutely useless inner while loop. Replace it:

if (ventas_vendedor > aux_ventas)    // here i have the max sells made	
    aux_ventas = ventas_vendedor;
    vendedor = 1;    // Now we have one and only one leader!
else if (ventas_venderor == aux_ventas)
    ++vendedor;     // addition to the family...

so, replacing that, ill have the top seller, and then the ppl who follow him, right?

Well, try it then post...

tested it n work!

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