guys, can u help me make a lexical analyzer that outputs invalid/valid only?
it would really help if you guys help me with this. this is my midterm project. thanks!!

Probably. Read the sticky posts...

That would depend on the complexity of the "language" you were attempting to parse?

A C expression would probably be do-able.
A C program would not.

yes! it could be a C expression.. thanks in advance..

Well, let's remember C language (it's almost so called expression language) lexical grammar...
Here it is expression part:

C language expression tokens::

Identifiers:: all but sizeof


Operators and punctuators:: one of

[ ] ( )
? .
+ - * / % ^ & | ~
! = < > += -= *= /= %=
^= &= |= << >> >>= <<= == !=
<= >= && || ++ -- , ->

Literals:: one of


Whitespaces:: one of

horizontal tab
vertical tab

Add some punctuators (~5-6) and recognize some identifiers as keywords - and you have full C language scanner...

ahhhmmm..... would it be possible if you give me the source code?? i really can't get it.. i'm really stupid when it comes to this subject

This very minute? It's impossible. The scanner for C expressions is a program with ~1000 lines of source code (of course, it's a rough estimate). Probably, it's possible to write more compact (and fast) scanner with special methods (based on automata theory, for example).

Better start from a simple grammar. For example, consider simplest arithmetical expressions:

Tokens:: one of

Operators:: one of
+ - / *
Punctuators:: one of
( )

Try to implement a scanner for this lexical grammar.

Input: source text string (or char array)
Output: next token code

Given an input of say 10*(x + 2) Something which prints
Found "10"
Found "*"
Found "("
Found "x"
Found "+"
Found "2"
Found ")"
would be a useful thing to accomplish.

When that works reliably, then think about adding handling for parentheses and operator precedence.

We're here to "help", not "give".

Follow Salem's advice!

I have wrote a scanner for simple C expressions (~300 LOCs) but I will post the source (may be ;)) only after you will try to do it yourself.

What's a bliss to write parsers for automat grammatics!..

Some remark: fortunately, a scanner does not know operator precedence (let syntax parser knows).

thanks for your help guys.. i have gotten through the basics, a friend helped me with it...

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