Hi im trying to make a maths program and im having trouble with one of my sections where im currently just using '+' incorporated in to a do while loop until the score = 10 though i'm stuck on how to make it randomly change the question between + or - as so far i've only got +
int choice ;
cin >> choice;
do {
int r, r2, answerplus, answersubtract;
r = rand() % 8 + 1;
r2 = rand() % 8 + 1;
answerplus = r + r2;
out << "question number " << questionumber << endl;
cout << r << "+ __ = " << answerplus << endl;
int responce;
cin >> responce;
if (responce == r2) {cout << "correct!" << endl;
score = score + 1; }
else {cout << "wrong!" << endl; }
questionumber = questionumber + 1;
cout << "your score is " << score << endl;
while (questionumber <= 10);