I have been using the book beginning c++ through game programming witch has been a very good book. I've learned loops, references, pointers, classes, inheritance, dynamic memory, and the very basics. Now I need a book that will help me make programs that do things outside of the console window like minipulating files and making project files and stuuf.

Any book suggestions?

Try Data Structures and the Standard Template Library by Collins, C++ GUI Programming with QT 4, and perhaps C++ for Game Programmers. Those three books helped me a lot.

I have experience with using Game Programming In C++: Start To Finish (Game Development Series), by Erik Yuzwa, hope this could be help you.

You need to think about what you want to use C++ for. I personally am interested in teh game development aspect of C++, but there are many other route C++ can tke you. so once you've made up you mind you should re ask your question with that in mind. in the mean time go pick up a good STL book and read up on that.

You need to think about what you want to use C++ for. I personally am interested in teh game development aspect of C++, but there are many other route C++ can tke you. so once you've made up you mind you should re ask your question with that in mind. in the mean time go pick up a good STL book and read up on that.

I strongly suggest the books that were recommended to me--

Starting out with C++, Early Objects
Effective/More Effective C++
Inside the C+ Object Model
C++ Templates

-- but they aren't oriented around game development. They're more-so general books for good C++ programming practices, etc.

It might also help if you gained a thorough understanding of objects, data and algorithms. I constantly find myself limited in capability due to the lack of understanding solid approaches to breaking and creating algorithms.

Just my opinion though - take it for however many grains of salt you wish =)

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