#include "simmons.h"

const int MAXCHARS = 500;
char st_line[MAXCHARS];
char ch_option;
int i_va;
int i_ve;
int i_vi;
int i_vo;
int i_vu;
int i_letters = 0;
int i_count = 1;
int i_number = 0;
int i_vowel = 0;
char ch_char;

void hope();
void vowels();
void letter();
void mike();

void main()
ifstream HopeData;
ofstream MikeData;

if(st_line[i_letters] == ' ' || st_line[i_letters] == '\0')
while(st_line[i_letters] != '\0')
if(st_line[i_letters + 1] != ' ' && (st_line[i_letters + 1] != ' ' && st_line[i_letters + 1] !=

MikeData << "\nInputted String";
MikeData << "\n\n*******************************";
MikeData << "\n\n " << st_line;
MikeData << "\n\nNumber of a's: " << i_va;
MikeData << "\nNumber of e's: " << i_ve;
MikeData << "\nNumber of i's: " << i_vi;
MikeData << "\nNumber of o's: " << i_vo;
MikeData << "\nNumber of u's: " << i_vu;
MikeData << "\nTotal Vowels: "<< i_vowel;
MikeData << "\n\nNumber of Letters: " << i_letters;
cout << "\n\n\nDo you want to exit (Y/N)? ";

void close()

this is what it said when I tried to compile it

count.cpp:94: unterminated character constant

And which is line 94? I'm not inclined to go count your lines and see which generated the error.

You probably have a string or character literal somewhere which doesn't have closing quotes. Or else you have a quote somewhere where it doesn't belong leading the compiler to think you declared a constant where there is none.

I'm not sure about your compiler, but with mine, it doesn't like when you use ' in the middle of a output statement. The following lines have several...

MikeData << "\n\nNumber of a's: " << i_va;
MikeData << "\nNumber of e's: " << i_ve;
MikeData << "\nNumber of i's: " << i_vi;
MikeData << "\nNumber of o's: " << i_vo;
MikeData << "\nNumber of u's: " << i_vu;


I believe that you should use \' in place of just a plain '. Hope I could help.


I compile with soloris and my problem with undertermined character constant in in my function void letter but i dont see why because when i didnt have it in data files or whatever its called my program ran fine

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