C++fusedKat 0 Newbie Poster

I am having several issues, besides figuring out how to word this request.

1. Trying to integrate some sort of looping to increment class object.
2. Properly declaring #1
3. The use of Static member function to Subtotal and Total data.
4. ? What ever is messed up.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

class Player { 

	char pP;
	int sN, tAB, nOH;
	string pN;
	void GetData();		 // Obtain all Player Data
	void Calculations();     // Perform calcs and to display all the player's detail totals
	float ShowSub();	 // Show Each Position's SubTotals
	float ShowTotal();	 // Show Team Totals

	char positionPlayed;
	int shirtNumber;
	string playerName;
	int timesAtBat;
	int numberOfHits;
	float pAvg, iAvg, oAvg, avg;
	static int pTABSub, pNOHSub;
	static int iTABSub, iNOHSub;
	static int oTABSub, oNOHSub;
	static int teamTABTotal, teamNOHTotal;

int Player::pTABSub = 0;
int Player::pNOHSub = 0;

int Player::iTABSub = 0;
int Player::iNOHSub = 0;

int Player::oTABSub = 0;
int Player::oNOHSub = 0;

int n;
Player playerNumber;

void Player::GetData(){
	positionPlayed = pP;
	shirtNumber = sN;
	playerName = pN;
	timesAtBat = tAB;
	numberOfHits = nOH;
	cout << "For Player #" << n << " \n\tEnter Positon Played: (p)Pitcher,(i)Infielder,(o)Outfielder: "; cin >> pP;
	cout << "\tEnter Shirt Number: "; cin >> sN;
	cout << "\tEnter Players Name: "; getline(cin, pN);
	cout << "\tEnter Times at Bat: "; cin >> tAB;
	cout << "\tEnter Number of Hits: "; cin >> nOH;

void Player::Calculations(){
	const avg = ((float) numberOfHits) / timesAtBat; //cast expression original int NumberOfHits to float
	if (positionPlayed == 'p'){
			pTABSub += pTABSub;
			pTABSub += teamTABTotal;
			pNOHSub += pNOHSub;
			pNOHSub += teamNOHTotal;
			pAvg =((float) pNOHSub) / pTABSub;
		} else if (positionPlayed == 'i'){
			iTABSub += iTABSub;
			iTABSub += teamTABTotal;
			iNOHSub += iNOHSub;
			iNOHSub += teamNOHTotal;
		} else if (positionPlayed == 'o'){
			oTABSub += oTABSub;
			oTABSub += teamTABTotal;
			oNOHSub += oNOHSub;
			oNOHSub += teamNOHTotal;
	cout << left << setw(12) << playerNumber[n].playerName << "\t" << playerNumber[n].shirtNumber
	<< "\t\t" << playerNumber[n].timesAtBat << "\t\t" << playerNumber[n].numberOfHits
	<< "\t\t" << fixed << setw(4) << setprecision(3) << playerNumber[n].avg << endl;

void Player::ShowSub(position catagory){
	cout << "Pitcher Stats SubTotals:\t\t\t\t" << pTABSub << "\t\t" << pNOHSub
	<< "\t\t" << fixed << setw(4) << setprecision(3) << pAvg << endl;

float Player::ShowTotal(){

int main{

	int n;
	Player playerNumber[n];

	cout << "Please enter Player Data in the Following Format: /\n"
			<< "Ex:\n\tp <enter> 12 <enter> Bob Smith <enter> 150 <enter> 101 <enter>\n" 
	if (n = 1; n < 9; n++){
		Player playerNumber[n];
	cout << "\nName\t\tPlayer #\tTimes at bat\tHits\t\tBatting Average" << endl;

return 0;

I appreciate any help/pointers.

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