first time here so I'm sorry if I didn't do something correctly.
I need to find the total number of floors, rooms on each floor, how many empty rooms there are, occupied rooms on each floor, find occupancy rate, and the "Heartbreak Floor". Which has to display the floor with the least amount of occupied rooms.
I have gotten everything to work except the heartbreak floor. I'm not even sure where to start with it. I emailed my instructor about my problem and he hasn't replied yet so I have come here in hopes of finding a way.
Thanks in advance.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int topFloor, count, occupied, rooms, empty;
int totalRoom, totalOcc;
double occRate;
count = 1;
cout << "What is the top Floor? ";
cin >> topFloor;
if(topFloor <= 0)
cout << "Error";
while (count <= topFloor){
cout << "How many rooms are on floor " << count << ":";
cin >> rooms;
totalRoom = totalRoom + rooms;
cout << "How many rooms are occupied on floor " << count << ":";
cin >> occupied;
totalOcc = totalOcc + occupied;
count = count + 1;
if (count == 6 || count == 13)
count = count + 1;
empty = totalRoom - totalOcc;
occRate = (totalOcc * 100) / totalRoom;
cout << "The number of rooms in the hotel are " << totalRoom << endl;
cout << "There are " << totalOcc << " rooms occupied in the hotel." << endl;
cout << "There are " << empty << " empty rooms in the heartbreak." << endl;
cout << The Rate of Occupancy is " << occRate << "%" << endl;
//cout << "The heartbreak floor is " << whatever the floor number is << " with " << occupied rooms on that floor << endl;
return 0;