I need to reproduce the following java applet (click potometer simulation) to modify with some more parameters.


I tried to retrieve the applet class file (Potometer.class)but could'nt get it...

Can anyone guide me in extracting the code...


Hmmm........ So you wish to extract the code of this applet and show of to others as your own.
I do not think any one will be too enthusiastic to help you on that !!!

I am new to Java applet.. pls help me out....
I have a very short period to complete this task...

I am new to Java applet.. pls help me out....
I have a very short period to complete this task...

Since you [TEX]have a very short period to complete this task[/TEX] you should have started studying and writing code sooner, and not wait till the last moment and decide to cheat

thank u so much....

without a doubt you've been given some course material to study, and if not, Google can always find you some

You can't. Once a code have been compiled, you can't get back the original code, no matter what. Determining how the code is working and reproducing the original code by yourself is called reverse engineering, and requires much more knowledge that writing it all by yourself.

commented: Incorrect Information, at least with respect to Java +0
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