I have a code to add a node...what would be a code to remove it if i provide the coeff

public void addNode(int coeff, int power)
        if (head == null) // start the list
            head = new Node(coeff, power, null);
            degree = power;
            Node n = head;
            Node last = null;
            while (n != null)
                if (power > n.power) // insert in list
                    if (last == null)
                        head = new Node(coeff, power, n);
                        last.next = new Node(coeff, power, n);
                    degree = power;
                last = n;
                n = n.next;
            if (n == null) // append to list
                last.next = new Node(coeff, power, null);

Considering that there is a class available that will do this for you, LinkedList, I'm assuming this is some sort of assignment? (Which is fine)

Anyway... pseudocode to do this

-Given the index you want to remove
-set the node at the previous index to point to the node at the next index
-set the index you want to remove as pointing to nothing, this includes setting its previous and next nodes to null if you are in a doubly linked list. If its a singly linked list, then you only have to set next to null
-Java does garbage collection for you, so you're done.

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