To Be honest this is matter of Choice and no one will be judged for his choice.
I got stuck on best editor to use. I have long used Wing IDE 101 and My Favorite IDE with multi language is Netbeans which is coming with Nbpython. Big problem of IDE is that You have too many features that the space for coding becomes very small. To be free, I need Programmer Editor (Specialized text editor).

I tried Vim, but seems hard, then went to Emacs, still hard to master like Vim. It seems they are commandline based and C/C++ default configured. I tried to Reboot and get my Ubuntu, there I was disappointed. Gedit have no Syntax highlighting nor indetation nor auto-complete thing. I have no Idea of what to do! Can anyone tell me what editor do you use and why. Also its features?

Thanks All!

In windows I use notepad++. I've tried that ecplise plugin (the name escapes me) and I liked that also.

In *nix, its always vim for me though.

In windows I use notepad++. I've tried that ecplise plugin (the name escapes me) and I liked that also.

In *nix, its always vim for me though.

+1 verbatim

If you're using linux, I would recommend kate, which has very nice features.

In windows I use notepad++. I've tried that ecplise plugin (the name escapes me) and I liked that also.

In *nix, its always vim for me though.

It is pydev

I use Notepad++ when programming Python with Windows, and I use plain old gedit when I'm programming Python on Ubuntu.

If you're using linux, I would recommend kate, which has very nice features.

How do you get it? Is it On Repo (I use Ubuntu )?
Do you use it? Why?

How do you get it? Is it On Repo (I use Ubuntu )?
Do you use it? Why?

Kate is for KDE, so if you are using kubuntu you will be able to use it,

otherwise SciTe is supposed to be kate like, and made for gnome.

just do:

sudo apt-get install scite

I use Notepad++ when programming Python with Windows, and I use plain old gedit when I'm programming Python on Ubuntu.

how do activate to Gedit syntax highlighting and auto complete features?

You should be able to obtain kate as a ubuntu package. I used kate in the past, and I think it's one of the most complete editors for linux. It's highly configurable, you can define kate projects which group several files, you can have a shell subwindow in the editor to launch your programs. Also I found that kate was more robust than other editors with respect to encodings, etc. I don't use it very much now, because I write most of my programs with a plugin that I wrote of the texmacs document typesetting system (soon available on the www!)

I really enjoy pyScripter on windows, it lets you debug as well as run the script. Syntax highlighting, automatic indentation. Its a great piece of software.

I have installed Kate in my Ubuntu and I have pyscripter. Kate seems promising, but puscripter kept crashing that I decided not to use it (Latest). Waiting for Gribo's plugin. Is it Emacs plugin? I hear alot of programming geeks talking about Emacs vs Vim but from my point of view they are ugly and really seem to be commandlinesh!

Thanks, waiting for more opinions

They are very "commandlinesh", which is what makes them so powerful. Seriously, if you are going to be doing a lot of development on *nix learning vim or emacs is the best thing you can do, even if it sucks at first.

Do you use them???

I posted earlier that I use vim when I am programming in *nix

how do activate to Gedit syntax highlighting and auto complete features?

I went to Edit > Preferences to turn on syntax highlighting, but I don't know how or if it has an auto-completion feature. I just type everything myself and let it deal with syntax highlighting only.

Do you use them???

When I first started using vim, I had no idea what was going on... through investigating the vim --help output I learned that it comes with a built-in tutorial, which I highly recommend if you're considering taking the plunge.

It will change your life.

I use JEdit and BlueFish. JEdit is the only editor that I know of that allows you to configure the cursor. If you are going back and forth to the screen, it is difficult to pick up that single flashing line, so I like the transparent box cursor, in a color bright enough to see. Bluefish has projects, which can be helpful depending. In general, you want something that has tabs (you will always have more than one file open), syntax highlighting, and some sort of indicator to tell/let you know if you have closed the parens blocks. I think every editor has an auto indent feature, so that's not an issue. Auto completion is more trouble than it is worth in my opinion, but for those who are keyboard-challenged, it might help. For most of us, it just gets in the way. BTW, Kate is in the Ibex repos and is a decent editor as well. If you can't find it, it may be in one of the partner repos, but it comes up in Synaptic for me.

I use DrPython. You can download quite a number of plugins for it. It works on Windows and Linux, and was originally written by a teacher of Python. It's easy to switch between editor, shell and output windows. It also handles the input() or raw_input() function well.

Have anyone tried NetBeans with nbpython plugin. I consider to try it as it has gone very far in development than when it started. I will download it when I connect to HS internet. But due to report at their mailing list, it is almost complete just fixing bugs!
Note when using latest code from subversion, just use from and take latest
nbpython :

I will give it a try and feedback

Thanks all guys

I use DrPython. You can download quite a number of plugins for it. It works on Windows and Linux, and was originally written by a teacher of Python. It's easy to switch between editor, shell and output windows. It also handles the input() or raw_input() function well.

I was about to choose it when I failed to see debugger. That made me give up!

Well, I run OSX, so my editor of choice for html, java, php, c, and python is textmate. One editor that has syntax highlighting, project management, and plenty of keyboard shortcuts. Yes it costs money, but its a tool, and you get what you or someone else has paid for.

I use Emacs for everything, mostly under Windows but also those rare occasions I find myself running Linux. I had to learn it -- it was the only decent screen editor available to me in 1978.

I was about to choose it when I failed to see debugger. That made me give up!

Yeah that did it for me as well. I really enjoy having a debugger in my IDE. It makes it a lot easier. Though i still hate it how i cant find an IDE that dosent to the whole wx.App has not been created error! That is really annoying yet seemingly unavoidable. IT comes around when using wxPython and you run it a few times and then it sends an error saying that the wx.App has not been created?!

When i started learning python i was working under windows en i just used idle.
But now i've switched to linux and i use eclipse with te pydev-bindings

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