I have to write a program that would test the member function in a loop to show that the tick member function works correctly.
it needs to test
1. incrementing into the next minute.
2. incrementing into the next hour
3. incrementing into the next day.
heres what i have so far
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
#include <iomanip>
using std::setfill;
using std::setw;
#include "Time.h" // include definition of class Time from Time.h
// Time constructor initializes each data member to zero;
// ensures that Time objects start in a consistent state
Time::Time( int hr, int min, int sec )
setTime( hr, min, sec ); // validate and set time
} // end Time constructor
// set new Time value using universal time; ensure that
// the data remains consistent by setting invalid values to zero
void Time::setTime( int h, int m, int s )
setHour( h ); // set private field hour
setMinute( m ); // set private field minute
setSecond( s ); // set private field second
} // end function setTime
// set hour value
void Time::setHour( int h )
hour = ( h >= 0 && h < 24 ) ? h : 0; // validate hour
} // end function setHour
// set minute value
void Time::setMinute( int m )
minute = ( m >= 0 && m < 60 ) ? m : 0; // validate minute
} // end function setMinute
// set second value
void Time::setSecond( int s )
second = ( s >= 0 && s < 60 ) ? s : 0; // validate second
} // end function setSecond
// return hour value
int Time::getHour()
return hour;
} // end function getHour
// return minute value
int Time::getMinute()
return minute;
} // end function getMinute
// return second value
int Time::getSecond()
return second;
} // end function getSecond
// print Time in universal-time format (HH:MM:SS)
void Time::printUniversal()
cout << setfill( '0' ) << setw( 2 ) << getHour() << ":"
<< setw( 2 ) << getMinute() << ":" << setw( 2 ) << getSecond();
} // end function printUniversal
// print Time in standard-time format (HH:MM:SS AM or PM)
void Time::printStandard()
cout << ( ( getHour() == 0 || getHour() == 12 ) ? 12 : getHour() % 12 )
<< ":" << setfill( '0' ) << setw( 2 ) << getMinute()
<< ":" << setw( 2 ) << getSecond() << ( hour < 12 ? " AM" : " PM" );
} // end function printStandard
then using this constructor
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include "Time.h" // include definition of class Time from Time.h
int main()
Time t1; // all arguments defaulted
Time t2( 2 ); // hour specified; minute and second defaulted
Time t3( 21, 34 ); // hour and minute specified; second defaulted
Time t4( 12, 25, 42 ); // hour, minute and second specified
Time t5( 27, 74, 99 ); // all bad values specified
cout << "Constructed with:\n\nt1: all arguments defaulted\n ";
t1.printUniversal(); // 00:00:00
cout << "\n ";
t1.printStandard(); // 12:00:00 AM
cout << "\n\nt2: hour specified; minute and second defaulted\n ";
t2.printUniversal(); // 02:00:00
cout << "\n ";
t2.printStandard(); // 2:00:00 AM
cout << "\n\nt3: hour and minute specified; second defaulted\n ";
t3.printUniversal(); // 21:34:00
cout << "\n ";
t3.printStandard(); // 9:34:00 PM
cout << "\n\nt4: hour, minute and second specified\n ";
t4.printUniversal(); // 12:25:42
cout << "\n ";
t4.printStandard(); // 12:25:42 PM
cout << "\n\nt5: all invalid values specified\n ";
t5.printUniversal(); // 00:00:00
cout << "\n ";
t5.printStandard(); // 12:00:00 AM
cout << endl;
return 0;
} // end main
Im obviously stuck in a rut so if anybody can help it would be appreciated.