// filename = isbn.cpp
// Kyle Burmark
// Prof. Gelotte
// 02/12/02
// Program 4 - Validate ISBN numbers program
// Description: This program asks the user whether he wants to validate
// ISBN numbers from his own input or from a file of isbn numbers
// Start program
// Header files
#include <iostream> // In/Out, standard
#include <fstream> // File input/output
#include <cctype> // Character testing
#include <string> // String
using namespace std;
// Constant declarations
const char NWLN = '\n'; // Defines newline in stream
// Function declarations
void instruction(); // Displays instructions
void userinput(char&); // Gets user input
void fileinput(char&); // Gets file input
void test(string); // Tests ISBN numbers
void convert(char, int&); // Converts character numbers to int numbers
// Start of main
int main()
int choice; // User choice value
char check; // Main loop test flag
// Start of main loop
do { // while check is equal to m
instruction(); // Give user instructions
// Get user input
cout << "Choice: ";
cin >> choice;
cout << " " << endl;
// User choice decision switch statment
case 1: // Manual input
case 2: // File input
case 3: // All done!
cout << "Goodbye" << endl; // Check flag set to end loop
check = 'q';
cerr << "Invalid choice - " << choice << endl
<< "enter again please. " << endl << endl;
// End switch
} while (check == 'm');
// End main loop
return 0;
// End main
// Instruction subprogram
void instruction()
cout << "***** Isbn Number Validator *****" << endl << endl << endl;
cout << "| Enter -1- to validate one or more isbn number by typing them in." << endl
<< "| Enter -2- to validate a text file of isbn numbers." << endl
<< "| Enter -3- to quit." << endl << endl;
// End subprogram
// User input subprogram: Gets user isbn number
void userinput(char& check)
string isbn; // Isbn number
cout << "Enter an isbn: ";
// !!! error, if i use the getline function instead of just cin
// like getline(cin, isbn) or getline(cin, isbn, '\n'),
// it wont take isbn numbers and gives
// me an error in the program and according to the book
// it should work, because i wanted to use getline here to get an
// isbn number with spaces and it won't let me, so i just used cin. !!!!!
cin.ignore(80, '\n');
getline(cin, isbn);
if (isbn.at(isbn.length() - 1) == '\n')
isbn.erase(isbn.length() - 1, 1);
cout << " " << endl;
// Test isbn number main loop
while (isbn.at(0) != 'M' && isbn.at(0) != 'm')
cout << "Enter an isbn or 'M' to return to main menu:";
getline(cin, isbn);
if (isbn.at(isbn.length() - 1) == '\n')
isbn.erase(isbn.length() - 1, 1);
cout << " " << endl;
// End loop
check = 'm';
// End subprogram
// File input subprogram: Gets file with isbn numbers
void fileinput(char& check)
string file; // User's Isbn file
string isbn; // Isbn number
int num; // Number of isbn's in file
int linecount; // Line count flag to compare with sum
ifstream ins; // Define input
linecount = 0;
num = 0;
cout << "Enter filename with isbn numbers: ";
cin >> file;
// Open file
// File open error test
if (ins.fail())
cerr << "Error - Can't open file [ " << file << " ] for input" << endl;
check = 'm';
// End test
// Good open of file
ins >> num;
ins.ignore(100, NWLN);
getline(ins, isbn);
// Test isbn number main loop
while (!ins.eof() && num != linecount)
cout << isbn << endl;
getline(ins, isbn);
// Close input file
cout << " " << endl;
check = 'm';
// End subprogram
// Test subprogram: Tests isbn number
void test(string isbn)
int charcount; // Count of character digits
int dashstart; // Test variable for dash at beginning or end of number
int counter; // Counts characters in string and used in testing
int value; // Value of isbn formula and final value equals remainder of formula
int lettercheck; // Test count variable for letter in isbn
int dashcount; // Test count variable for dashes in isbn
int doubledash; // Test count variable for double dashes in isbn
int spacecount; // Test count variable for spaces in isbn
int digit; // Int value of character digit
int length; // Isbn length
char number; // Character number
char prevchar; // Record last character variable
spacecount = 0;
lettercheck = 0;
value = 0;
counter = 1;
dashstart = 0;
charcount = 0;
dashcount = 0;
doubledash = 0;
length = isbn.length();
// Test isbn for loop
for(int i=0; i < length - 1; i++) // for each character
// Check for dash in beginning or end of number
if (isbn.at(0) == '-' || isbn.at(length - 1) == '-')
dashstart = 1;
// Calculate value if isbn has right amount of numbers
if ((isdigit(isbn.at(i))) &&
(charcount < 9) &&
(lettercheck == 0) && isbn.at(i) != '-' && isbn.at(i) != ' ')
number = isbn.at(i);
convert(number, digit);
value = value + (digit * (counter));
// If isbn has a dash, adds 1 to dashcount
if (isbn.at(i) == '-' && dashstart != 1)
// Check for double dash
if (prevchar == '-')
// Check for letter
if (isbn.at(i) != '-' && !isdigit(isbn.at(i)) && isbn.at(i) != ' ' && (isbn.at(length - 1) != 'x' || isbn.at(length - 1) != 'X'))
lettercheck = 1;
// Check for spaces
if (isbn.at(i) == ' ')
// Set previous character variable to last character tested
prevchar = isbn.at(i);
} // end for each character
// End loop
// If there isn't a dash at beginning or end of number convert
if(dashstart != 1)
// Calculate remainder of forumla
value = value % 11;
// reminder value statements
cout << "ISBN: " << isbn << endl << endl;
cout << "calculated checksum == " << value << endl << endl;
if (length == 13 && lettercheck == 0 && charcount == 9 && dashstart == 0)
charcount += 1;
number = isbn.at(12);
else if (length == 10 && lettercheck == 0 && charcount == 9 && dashstart == 0)
charcount += 1;
number = isbn.at(9);
else if (dashstart == 1 && charcount == 9 && (i > 9 && i < 12))
number = isbn.at(length -1);
else if (dashstart == 1 && charcount == 9 && i > 12)
number = isbn.at(length -1);
cout << "Invalid Isbn - will not calculate checksum, return 1" << endl;
number = '1';
// Convert last character digit in isbn to int digit to compare to value
convert(number, digit);
// Answer output statements based on data
if (charcount < 10)
cout << " (Not enough digits)" << endl;
if (charcount > 10)
cout << " (To many digits)" << endl;
if (charcount < 10 && lettercheck == 1)
cout << " (Can't have any character except for 'X' at end unless 10 is the remainder)" << endl;
if (dashcount > 4)
cout << " (Too many dashes)" << endl;
if ((dashcount < 3 && dashcount > 0) && length > 10)
cout << " (Not enough dashes)" << endl;
if (value != digit)
cout << " (Wrong check sum)" << endl;
if (dashstart == 1)
cout << " (Beginning or ending dash)" << endl;
if (doubledash > 0)
cout << " (Sequential dashes)" << endl;
if (spacecount > 4)
cout << " (Too many spaces)" << endl;
if ((spacecount < 3 && spacecount > 0) && length > 10)
cout << " (Not enough spaces)" << endl;
if ((spacecount == 0 || spacecount == 3) && (dashcount == 3 || dashcount == 0) && (charcount == 10) && (counter == 10) && (digit == value))
cout << " (Good number and checksum)" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
} // end test function
// End subprogram
// Convert subprogram: Converts character digits to int digits
void convert(char number, int& digit)
if (number == 'x' || number == 'X')
digit = 10;
digit = int(number) - int('0');
// End subprogram
// End program
the program still not compile ....cn you help me