Hi All,
I need help figuring out how I can call the various functions in this program from main. I've figured out as much of the code I could, but now I'm stumped. Any help would be appreciated.
#include <stdio.h>
float deposits[50] = {0};
float withdrawals[50] = {0};
char first_name[20] = {0};
int num_withdrawals, num_deposits, x;
float start_bal;
float current_balance = 0;
float total_deposits = 0;
float total_withdrawals = 0;
float balance;
float get_startingbalance(void);
float getCntOfWithdrawls();
float getCntOfDeposits();
float getEachDeposit();
float getEachWithdrawl();
float checkBalance();
float calcAndDisplayBalance();
float displayBankRecord();
int main (void)
/* Output initial greeting */
printf("Welcome to the Banking System.\n\n");
printf("Please enter your first name: ");
scanf("%s", &first_name);
printf("\nHello, %s.\n\n", first_name);
float get_start_balance() {
float start_bal;
do {
printf("%s, Please enter your current balance in dollars and cents: "); /* Prompt user for current balance. */
scanf("%f", &start_bal);
if (start_bal < 0)
printf("Invalid entry. Starting balance must be at least zero!\n\n");
} while (start_bal < 0);
return start_bal;
} /* end function get starting balance */
float getCntOfWithdrawls() {
int num_withdrawls;
do {
printf ("\nEnter the number of withdrawals: ");
scanf ("%i", &num_withdrawals);
printf ("\n");
if (num_withdrawals < 0 || num_withdrawals > 50)
printf ("Error: Number of withdrawals must be between zero and 50, please re-enter!\n\n");
} while (num_withdrawals < 0 || num_withdrawals > 50);
return num_withdrawals;
} /* end function number of withdrawls */
float getCntOfDeposits() {
float num_deposits;
do {
printf ("Enter the number of deposits: ");
scanf ("%i",&num_deposits);
printf ("\n");
if ( num_deposits < 0 || num_deposits > 50)
printf ("Error: Number of deposits must be between 0 and 50, please re-enter!\n\n");
} while (num_deposits < 0 || num_deposits > 50); /* end do-while loop */
return num_deposits;
} /* end function number of deposits */
float getEachDeposit() {
float num_deposits;
for (x = 0; x < num_deposits; x++)
do {
printf ("Enter the amount of deposit #%i: ", x + 1);
scanf ("%f",&deposits[x]);
if (deposits[x] <= 0)
printf ("*** Deposit amount must be greater than zero. Please re-enter! ***\n");
} while (deposits[x] <= 0);
total_deposits = total_deposits + deposits[x];
} /* end for loop */
} /*end function get each deposit*/
// current_balance = total_deposits + start_bal;
/* Get Each Withdrawal */
float getEachWithdrawl() {
float num_withdrawls;
for (x = 0; x < num_withdrawals; x++)
do {
printf ("\n");
printf ("Enter the amount of withdrawal #%i: ", x + 1);
scanf ("%f",&withdrawals[x]);
if (withdrawals[x] > current_balance)
printf ("***Withdrawal amount exceeds current balance.***\n");
if (withdrawals[x] <= 0)
printf ("*** Withdrawal amout must be greater than zero. Please re-enter! ***");
} while (withdrawals[x] > current_balance || withdrawals[x] <= 0); /* end do-while loop */
total_withdrawals = total_withdrawals + withdrawals[x];
} /* end for loop */
} /* end function get each withdrawl */
/* Check Balance */
float checkBalance() {
float current_balance;
balance = current_balance - total_withdrawals + total_deposits;
if (balance == 0)
printf ("\n *** Balance is now zero. No more withdrawals can be made at this time. ***\n");
num_withdrawals = x;
} /* end function check balance */
/* Calculate and Display Balance */
float calcAndDisplayBalance() {
printf ("\n*** Your closing balance is $%.2f, %s*** \n", balance, first_name);
if (balance >= 5000.00)
printf ("*** Time to invest some money!*** \n\n");
else if (balance >= 15000.00 && balance <= 49999.99)
printf ("*** Maybe you should consider a CD.*** \n\n");
else if (balance >= 1000.00 && balance <= 14999.99)
printf ("*** Keep up the good work.*** \n\n");
printf ("*** %s, your balance is getting low!*** \n\n", first_name);
} /*end function calc and display balance*/
/* Calculate and display balance*/
float displayBankRecord() {
printf (" *** Bank Record ***\n");
printf ("\nStarting Balance: $%13.2f\n\n", current_balance);
for (x = 0; x < num_deposits; x++)
printf ("Deposit #%i: %13.2f\n", x + 1, deposits[x]);
for (x = 0; x < num_withdrawals; x++)
printf ("\nWithdrawal #%i %13.2f", x + 1, withdrawals[x]);
printf ("\n\nEnding Balance is: $%13.2f\n", balance);
} /* end function display bank record */