I am creating vb appliction in which there are 20 forms i want to create two command buttons named current and previous forms. Can anybody tell me how i can do this ?
I want guide line.

Thanks in advance


How are the Forms Named..?
You can code, if it is Named Sequential.. Say
Form1, Form2, Form3..


Are you going to make that form behaves like a wizard form?

No forms are not the sequence forms I gave different name to all forms like AdmissionFrm , blockwiseFrm etc
Actuially I have two forms for viewing information and when I select one option from the treeview it opens one form say form blockwiseFrm and when i click other option it opens other form say districtFrm. So when i click districtFrm then i want to see the blockwiseFrm information using Previous button. I make one previous button and store blockwiseFrm in the form object say frm but what is happening is it reloads all data in the blockwise form but i want to see the data which i previously saw there.


Say, you have Populated FirstForm based on some DistrictName/id.. Now, Keep a Global Variable to save that ID, When you load district form, in Formload, check if that ID <> blank/zero, then Re-load the data accordingly...
Other option is not to unload the prev Form, Just Hide it.. :
And when you want to show it again, Me.Show


yEAH! I agree with Qveen, used the hide button then make a global variable that stores the name of the form...

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