On the click event of the picturebox, I've tried the following:

picturebox1.image = imagelist1.index?????

I don't know the syntax, how do I choose a picture from an imagelist and place it into a picturebox. Thanks :)

i guess the obvious imagelist1.images list escaped you?

Something like : picturebox1.image = imagelist1.Images[currentIndex]; might do the trick. imaglist must contain images of course.

commented: Solved my problem. +1

Something like : picturebox1.image = imagelist1.Images[currentIndex]; might do the trick. imaglist must contain images of course.

Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks man. :D

Perhaps you could mark this thread as solved?

Another problem arises!

Here's what I want to program to do:
1. When the game starts the picturebox loads an image from the imagelist.

2. When the player clicks an image I want to the "if" statement to ask if the image in the picturebox is the imageindex "x".

How could I do this?

I think I'm asking the wrong question because this doesn't work:

private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (pictureBox1.Image == imageList1.Images[0])
                pictureBox1.Image = imageList1.Images[1];

You could always have a boolean flag which you use to show the different pictures ..

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