hi i have an error here could somebody know or expirence this before plss help..

this error enclude dll and i have the site now. this is the link

i already put the dll in the said folder and already installed mdac.

plss any has expirence this .plss help

Quoting from the link:

After the installation, the following files should be present on the target system in the indicated folders:
<windows system>\Msdbrptr.dll
<program files>\Common Files\Designers\Msderun.dll
<windows system>\Msstdfmt.dll
The inclusion of Msdbrptr.dll (and its dependent files) typically corrects this problem. If you are still experiencing problems, make sure that the following files are included in your package:
Data Reports do not directly depend on these files. However, if the files are missing, this can affect the Data Environment that is used by your report.

NOTE: If your application must have the Msdatsrc.tlb file, do not explicitly include this file because Msdatsrc.tlb is installed as part of the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) upgrade.

So there is more than one DLL that needs to be on the target system. The last note even mentions a file that you might need, but that you are not supposed to copy as it comes with an MDAC upgrade.

I wonder if you could just get the MDAC upgrade and your problems would just go away.

hi... i already paste the required dll, that I downloaded in the said path..
and i already download and installed the MDAC. but theirs an error still.

i follow the said installation path but i wonder where i get an error...

any much... explanation and exp this..
i truly need help so plsss kindly suggest an any ways....


First, just to confirm: You shouldn't see this problem at all on the system where you developed the applicaiton. The error should be occuring on a target system where you are attempting to run your application. Correct?

Second, the corrective actions (DLLs, MDAC) are being performed on the target system. Correct?

When the list below mentions <windows system> it is referring to the system directory underneath the target system's windows directory. When it mentions <program fiels> it is referring to where the target system stores installed programs. (This last one is almost always C:\Program Files, but the windows installation directory moves around more.)

So you are confirming that all of the files mentioned are installed on the target system?

<windows system>\Msdbrptr.dll
<program files>\Common Files\Designers\Msderun.dll
<windows system>\Msstdfmt.dll
<windows system>\Msdatrep.ocx
<windows system>\Msbind.dll

If the above is true and the application still does not work on the target system, copy the files targeted to <windows system> to <windows system32> (if the target system has one) as well:

<windows system32>\Msdbrptr.dll
<windows system32>\Msstdfmt.dll
<windows system32>\Msdatrep.ocx
<windows system32>\Msbind.dll

Does this help at all?

can u plz upload the files to check?

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