Is it possible to call a void function from another void function?

will this work?

 int input;
	cout<<"\t\t  Main Menu \n\n";
	cout<<"\t\t 1. Student Details \n";
	cout<<"\t\t 2. Payment Details \n";
	cout<<"\t\t 3.Exit \n\n";
	cout<<"\t\t Select 1/2/3 : ";

	   void studentDetails();
	   void printPaidStudents();
	   return -1;


i wrote the voide studentDetails function too...
but the output is not there...
wats wrong in this?

Sure, just look at how you call mainmenu(), and follow the same pattern.

i dunno but it's not working..
can i share the whole code?

You're trying to declare functions in mainMenu, not calling them. You don't need to declare the type while calling it.

dont write return type (void,int,....) when u r calling functions.

void mainMenu()
void studentDetails();

Add red void. Function header needs the return type.
Delete green void. Function calls DO NOT need the return type.

MosaicFuneral beat me to it!
Edit : So did Majestics.

i removed the void infront of the function. but now a compilation error came mentioning the function should have a prototype

you have to declare functions before using them,,

return type  function name (parameters list)

in your case

void studentDetails();

and call them


Because you forgot to declare it outside before hand, such as in a header or where-ever.

Because you forgot to declare it outside before hand, such as in a header or where-ever.

yea. thanx for da help.

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