Private Sub Command1_Click()
If Combo1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Choose Supplier Code", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
If Combo2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Choose Product Code", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
If Text1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Input the Quantity", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
If Text3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Input the Amount", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
rs.Open "Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "','" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "','" + Text7.Text + "')", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
Set rs = Nothing
rs1.Open "select * from Product where pcode='" & Combo2.Text & "'", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
rs1.Fields![pstock] = Val(rs1.Fields![pstock]) + Val(Text1.Text)
MsgBox "The Product has been save successfully", vbInformation
Combo1.Text = ""
Combo2.Text = ""
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Call Form_Load
MsgBox "OHH NO!", vbInformation
End If
End Sub

i have a problem everytime i click my command1 button can anyone help me about my problem? please? badly needed rush! please help me god bless daniweb!

error is on about in INSERT INTO


rs.Open "Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "','" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "','" + Text7.Text + "')", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic

must be

cn.Execute "Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "','" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "','" + Text7.Text + "')"


rs1.Open "select * from Product where pcode='" & Combo2.Text & "'", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic

must be

rs1.Open "select * from Product where pcode='" & Combo2.Text & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

remove the statement


Shaik Akthar

still have a synthax error :(

in the insert into

check out the syntax. u have added single quotes to the numeric fields also. remove them.

'" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "','" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "','" + Text7.Text + "'
'must be
'" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "'," + Text1.Text + "," + Text2.Text + "," + Text3.Text + "," + Text4.Text + "," + Text5.Text + "," + Text6.Text + "," + Text7.Text + ")"

I am unable to figure out the numeric fields from ur query, but that's the problem.

Put quotes for text fields and remove them for numeric fields.

Shaik Akthar

huhuhu sir still an error ocured in insert into

wrong number of agruments thats is the eror!

post the code again now,

and which of ur fields are Text and which of them are numeric in the database

and also the error message please.

Shaik Akthar

post the code again now,

and which of ur fields are Text and which of them are numeric in the database

and also the error message please.

Shaik Akthar

If Combo1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Choose Supplier Code"
Exit Sub
End If
If Combo2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Choose Product Code"
Exit Sub
End If
If Text1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Input the Quantity"
Exit Sub
End If
If Text3.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Input the Amount"
Exit Sub
End If
cn.Execute "Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "'," + Text1.Text + "," + Text2.Text + "," + Text3.Text + "," + Text4.Text + "," + Text5.Text + "," + Text6.Text + "," + Text7.Text + ")", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
rs1.Open "select * from Product where pcode='" & Combo2.Text & "'", cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If rs1.RecordCount > 0 Then
rs1.Fields![pstock] = Val(rs1.Fields![pstock]) + Val(Text1.Text)
MsgBox "The Product has been save successfully", vbInformation
Combo1.Text = ""
Combo2.Text = ""
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Call Form_Load
MsgBox "OHH NO!", vbInformation
End If

Compile Error:

wrong Number of agruments or invalid property assignment

ur code is

"Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "'," + Text1.Text + "," + Text2.Text + "," + Text3.Text + "," + Text4.Text + "," + Text5.Text + "," + Text6.Text + "," + Text7.Text + ")"

I assume scode, pcode, unit, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date are Text fields
and quantity, amount are Numeric fields

"Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "'," + Text1.Text + ",'" + Text2.Text + "'," + Text3.Text + ",'" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "','" + Text7.Text + "')"

also remove the
, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic
in the insert statement.

Shaik Akthar

syntax error in inert into

what is the datatype of the field 'date' in your database and is it MS-Access Database?

just once give me all the fields with their datatypes with which they exist in the database in the table Deliver

the date is Date/time and the rest is text

If the database is MS-Access u have to use a # for date field.
It goes like this. replace the query with this one.

"Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "'," + Text1.Text + ",'" + Text2.Text + "'," + Text3.Text + ",'" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "',#" + Text7.Text + "#)"

still having a error

synthax error in insert into, how can i upload my files here? can u fix it?

just zip the access database file and the vbform.

Click on Reply to Thread button. do not post in quick reply.
below the reply box u can find the button for attachments. there u select the zip file and upload it.

i have enclosed a screenshot of the reply screen

here it is!

All the fields in the Deliver table are Text except for the Date Field.

"Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, date) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "','" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "',#" + Text7.Text + "#)"

cn.execute "insert into? right?

Hey Got the problem.

Actually the field with the name "date" is actually a reserved keyword.

just put square brackets around that field in the query.

her it is

"Insert Into Deliver (scode, pcode, quantity, unit, amount, pcarrier, pterms, drnumber, [date]) Values ('" + Combo1.Text + "','" + Combo2.Text + "','" + Text1.Text + "','" + Text2.Text + "','" + Text3.Text + "','" + Text4.Text + "','" + Text5.Text + "','" + Text6.Text + "',#" + Text7.Text + "#)"

a better suggestion is change the name of the field in every table with the fieldname "date" as "mdate" or "edate" or "ddate" or anything else , other than the spelling "date"

thank you so much shaik akthar it helps a lot of me thanks! god bless u!

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