Hey people , i am trying to send an email, but for some reason its just not sending ... please help me out , here's my code
// trying this block of code
// Looping through the rows in the datatable
foreach (DataRow Row in dt.Rows)
//declaring strings to hold the values
string camp_code = Row["Campaign_Code"].ToString();
string camp_name = Row["Campaign_Name"].ToString();
string comapny_name = Row["company"].ToString();
string email_address = Row["email"].ToString();
//settind txtTo.text to the value in the email string variable
txtTo.Text = email_address;
// Declaring a new instance of a mail message
MailMessage E_Mail_Message = new MailMessage();
//MailAddress MA = new MailAddress("info@place.co.za");
// Adding the To address to the mail message
// The to address is = txtTo.Text
E_Mail_Message.To.Add(new MailAddress(txtTo.Text));
// Setting the body of the email message
// The body is = txtMessage.Text
E_Mail_Message.Body = txtMessage.Text;
// Setting the subject of the email message
// The subject is = txtSubject.Text
E_Mail_Message.Subject = txtSubject.Text;
// Setting the from address of the email message
// The from address is = txtFrom.Text
E_Mail_Message.From = new MailAddress(txtFrom.Text);
// Declaring an instance of a SMTP client
SmtpClient SMTP = new SmtpClient("smtp.place.com", 25);
if (CB_Authentication.Checked == true)
// Setting SMTP Default credentials to false
SMTP.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
// Adding new Credentials
System.Net.NetworkCredential theCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);
// setting smtp credentials to the new credentials
SMTP.Credentials = theCredential;
if (cboPorts.Text == "SMTP")
SMTP.Port = 25;
if (cboPorts.Text == "POP")
SMTP.Port = 110;
if (cboPorts.Text == "FTP")
SMTP.Port = 21;
if (cboPorts.Text == "HTTP")
SMTP.Port = 80;
txtTo.Text = "";
catch (Exception EX)
MessageBox.Show("Sorry it didnt work");
this email sends via a CSV file that is imported to a datatable (dt)