I have writtern some code but apparently i have not initalised two parts of it, now to my knowledgde i have and i can not see why it is showing warnings for it. i hope you can help.

double m, l, dm, dc, xsq, D;
	W_line_Sum(line ,t);
	W_line sums;
	D = ((  sums.w * sums.xx) -( pow(sums.x,2)));
	m = ((sums.w) * sums.xy) - (sums.x*sums.y) / D;
	dm = sqrt( sums.w/D ) ;
	l = ((sums.y* sums.xx) - (sums.x * sums.xy)) / D;
	dc = sqrt(sums.xx /D )  ;
	xsq = sums.v2;
void W_line_Sum(W_line* a, int t){		
	W_line sums;
	for (int i=0; t<b; ++i){
	sums.x+= a[i].x;  

for both of these bits the warning that is popping up is this;
warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'sums' used

Variable sums in the second code snippet is being used before it has been initialized. Look on line 5: what is the initial value of sums.x? Answer: its unitialized and could contain any random value. So the initial result of line 5 is undefined because we don't know the value of sums.x.

To correct the problem, you need to add one or more lines between line 2 and 3 that initializes all values in the sums variable:

sums.x = 0;
sums.y = 0;
// etc etc for each member of that structure

i have done that but the warning si still coming up for the first bit

double m, l, dm, dc, xsq, D;
	W_line_Sum(line ,t);
	W_line sums;
	D = ((  sums.w * sums.xx) -( pow(sums.x,2)));
	m = ((sums.w) * sums.xy) - (sums.x*sums.y) / D;
	dm = sqrt( sums.w/D ) ;
	l = ((sums.y* sums.xx) - (sums.x * sums.xy)) / D;
	dc = sqrt(sums.xx /D )  ;
	xsq = sums.v2;

is still producing a warning.
warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'sums' used

Did you read my previous post? Did you understand it? That code has the same identical problem as the first one you posted here.

You've got this

W_line sums;
	D = ((  sums.w * sums.xx) -( pow(sums.x,2)));

Imagine this

W_line sums = { uninitialised, garbage, here };
	D = ((  sums.w * sums.xx) -( pow(sums.x,2)));

What is the value of D given the rubbish you calculate with?

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