hello again
i have three questions again:
how can i use malloc or calloc for a two demontional arrays?

is it true that A. calloc allocates memory in contiguous bytes, malloc does not ensure contiguous memory allocation?

the third question which is a bit irrelevent to programming
how memorey locations in computers are given address?i mean early intell CPUs could
onley address (64K) but what about the rest of memory locations?


> is it true that A. calloc allocates memory in contiguous bytes, malloc does not ensure contiguous memory allocation?
No, it's false.
calloc is nothing more than malloc + memset to wipe the memory to all-bits-zero.

> i mean early intell CPUs could onley address (64K)
Only 64K in a single block.
If you wanted more, then you had to start messing about with segment registers

> how can i use malloc or calloc for a two demontional arrays?
One (of several) ways

char **arr = malloc( rows * sizeof *arr );
for ( r = 0 ; r < rows ; r++ ) {
    arr[r] = malloc( cols * sizeof *arr[r] );
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