I am studying a Software Engineering Degree Course in London.I am very keen to learn C++
One of my Units named Programming Methodology and we have been given a coursework during xmas holiday.
I have been trying to sort it out by using internet sources but I am struggling.
Our tutor said that writing program takes 25 minutes but it has been nearly one week I could not even start.
This is my first year and I want to be a good C++ programmer.I dont get the arrays.
I would be very happy if you could solve my problem.
The task is a library program as below.I enclosed two txt file which is relevant to the program.
In Smalltown public library, the new head librarian wishes to install a computerised record system to replace the current paper system. There is one computer in the library and it is only used by the library staff.
Currently, there are approximately 1000 books in stock but there is room for twice as many. Each book has a unique six digit book number.
In the current system, the books are categorised as Adventure, Detective, SciFi or Romance and held in the appropriate section of the building. The author, title and book number is indexed on a single card, along with the subject category.
Information is kept on the individual library users in the form of their surname, house number, street name and a user number. Each user number is a unique five digit number. A user may not have more than three books out on loan at any one time. The library has only 500 users at present.
A part-time worker is currently being employed to enter the user data and the book data into the data files.
These data files are available for testing your programs from the following links:
bookdata.txt (see the attached file)
userdata.txt (see the attached file)
Note that these files are accurate but incomplete as the transfer of data from the old system has not yet been completed ( - what important data is missing and why do you think this is? ).
Your program should:
define appropriate user-defined data types to model the data of the application.
read the book data from the book data file and store it in a convenient form.
ead the user data from the user data file and store it in a convenient form.
allow a book to be issued to a user or returned by a user.
allow the library staff to list all books by an author, to report which are currently in stock or on loan and to indicate in which area of the library they may be found.