Hi. I was just wondering if you had any opinions/recomendations on some Text Editors. Specific editors I was wondering about:
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

i use dev-c++. I find it easier to work with simply because the functionality is all there, but is just easier to access then Microsoft's visual c++. IMO

i would use microsoft visual c++ 2008 or 2005 express edition.

Is it free? Microsoft Visual C++ express edition?

Is it free? Microsoft Visual C++ express edition?

Yes, VC++ 2008 EE is free. You must download ~400 Mb (VC++, MSDN EE and, probably, Windows SDK). It's the best C++ IDE for Windows but see the distribution size...
Another good choice - Code::Blocks IDE with MinGW C++ compiler ~20 Mb.

Notepad++ is great for many code languages. It's much more lightweight than VC++, but it lacks alot of features (particularly a debugger and compiler/linker =P )

If I have to use an IDE, there is none better than Code::Blocks. However, I prefer to code using Gvim.

I recommend vi.

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