I'm running a simlpe hello world program in visual c++ but in the console mode
but i keep getting all these errors

unbale to start program c:\users\johnathan\warfield\documents\Visualstdio2008\projects\program1helloworl\Debug\program1 helloworld.exe

the system cannot find the specified file.

how can i find this error???

i'm requires to use visualstudio.net to run my console c++ program

here is the problem i'm getting w/ hello world
unable to start program c:\user\johnathan\visual studio 2008\projects\program1helloworld\debug\program1 helloworld.exe


then when i click on yes it says

then it list 4 errors


what' going here how can i fix this error so i can write my program for my intro to c++ class

It can't find the file, because it's not compiling or linking (very likely). Sooooo, how about showing us the code?

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