Write a Program that models a simple calculator. Each data entry line should consist of a valid operator (from the list below), and the right-hand operand. Assume that the left-hand operand is the accumulated value in the calculator, with an initial value of 0.0.

Acceptable operators:

+ ..Add

- ..Subtract

* ..Multiply

/ ..Divide

^ ..Power (raise left operand to the power of the right operand)

q or = ..Quit

Your Calculator should display the accumulated value after each operation. A sample run might be:

+ 5.0

Result so far is 5.00

^ 2

Result so far is 25.00

/ 2.0

Result so far is 12.50

Q 0

The final result is 12.50

Include (define and call) at least THREE functions:

a function that displays instructions to the user.
a function do_next_op() that has 3 input parameters (the operator, the operand, and the current accumulated value), and returns the new value for the accumulated value. An alternative implementation may use 2 input parameters (operator and operand), and 1 input/output parameter (the accumulated value)
at least one other function - of your choice! Make sure that it does something useful.

So, what code have you done already, and what are your problems? (In case you haven't heard, we won't do your homework)

I am not sure if I did anything work and I was working it now, but can you help me that be much appreciated, I not sure if I got the Flush(cin) right? so please help me. Thanks.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <cmath>

void instruction();
int calculator (char);
void divide_by_zero ();
float do_next_op (char, float, float);
istream& FLUSH(istream& stream);

int main()
char input;
float accum,num;

// instructions ();
void intruction();
accum = 0 ;

//get input 
cout<< " : " ;
cin >> input;
cin >> num;
if (cin.fail(c);
cerr << "Unknown operator " << input << '\n';
if (value <= 0)
cout << "error! DIVIDE BY ZERO!! "; 
cout << endl;

// Do op
accum = do_next_op (input, num, accum);
//display result
cout << " Result so far : " << accum << endl;

cout << "  "<< endl      ;
} // end not quit
while (input != 'Q' && input != 'q' && input != '=');

cout << "Final result : " ;
system ("pause") ;  
return 0 ;
istream& FLUSH(istream& stream);
int ch;
while ((ch = stream.get()) != '\n' && ch != EOF) 
   ; // Do nothing inside loop - it's all in the condition!
return stream;

//instruct user 
void instruction()
cout <<" This program models a simple calculator which can add, subtract,multiply,divide, power" << endl;
cout << " the calculator accumulate value after each operation " << endl;
cout << " press Q to quit the program " << endl;

float do_next_op (char op, float num, float total)
switch (op)
case '+' :
total += num;

case '-':
total -= num;

case '*':
total *= num;

case '/': 
total /= num;

case '^':
total = pow (total,num);
break ;

default :
cout << " syntax error" << endl;

return total;

Please use [code=cplusplus] [/code] tags.
You need to learn how to call functions since from what I can see you have no idea. I suggest going over the basics again before attempting to carry on.


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