This may be a stupid question but..

I am trying to do something like this....

if not something and
   not somethineElse and
   not someOtherThing and
   not thisThing:
     print "asdf"

and i get an invalid syntax error. so how do you do that properly? google wasn't much help.

Relax, it's not a stupid question. Here's the proper syntax:

if not something  \
   not somethineElse and \
   not someOtherThing and \
   not thisThing:
     print "asdf"

You can use \ anywhere you need to continue a statement on the next line.

For that you could also go:

notList = ["list vars here"]
if False not in [not var for var in notList]:
   #do stuff

you can also do like this:


if not(a==0 and b==0 and c==0 and d==0):
    print "go home"
    print "come here"

sweet, thanks for the help.

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