hi guys i need your help!

i have two date picker and a vsflexgrid in my form then i select
datepicker1 month of january
datepicker2 month of february
i want to display all the records in both month ...
january 9 records
febraury 10 records

my sample code:

For i = 0 To IntDiff
    sDate = DateAdd("m", i, sdate1)
    DateArray(i) = Format$(sDate, "MMM YYYY")
  Me.vslistwork.Rows = Me.vslistwork.Rows + 1
  Me.vslistwork.TextMatrix(Me.vslistwork.Rows - 1, 0) = DateArray(i)
        Do Until rsp.EOF
                    mdate = Format(rsp!TDATE, "MMM YYYY")
                       ' MsgBox "" & mdate
                    If DateArray(i) = mdate Then
                       d = rsp!peso
                       e = rsp!dollar
                        If e > 0 Then
                            g = g + 1
                  Me.vslistwork.TextMatrix(Me.vslistwork.Rows - 1, 1) = g
                        End If
                        If d > 0 Then
                            f = f + 1
                  Me.vslistwork.TextMatrix(Me.vslistwork.Rows - 1, 3) = f
                        End If

                    Me.vslistwork.TextMatrix(Me.vslistwork.Rows - 1, 1) = g
                   Me.vslistwork.TextMatrix(Me.vslistwork.Rows - 1, 3) = f
                    End If
                'Me.vslistwork.Rows = Me.vslistwork.Rows + 1

my problem is only the month of january will appear as 9 records then february is no records he cant count the records of february


i solve it

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